"Delilah was born on November 20th, 2012." My mom started and I was grateful that she wasn't headed in a negative direction. "She was born at Lenox Hill Hospital at exactly 4:29 in the morning." 

"You're birthday's next month." Liam said to me, absentmindedly. 

"Yeah, it is." I hadn't even thought about how fast this year was going by.

"So who was there when you were born." Liam asked me, smiling. My own smile fell.

"Nobody." I whispered, nearly inaudible. He heard me, I know he did, but he didn't show it. 

"What else?" He questioned. My mom spoke only have hapy times the next few minutes, most of which I had forgotten all about. Slowly, everything about the night began to feel weird and awkward and just plain wrong. I felt my smile slipping more and more each second. This shouldn't be happening, I kept thinking. I shouldn't have to relay my life to this man who was supposed to be my father. Nothing was how it should be. I shouldn't have to question whether I call him dad or Liam, I shouldn't have to paint him a picture of the past that he's supposed to already be a part of. We finally pulled up to our destination, and I wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

I remind in the car as my mom and Liam got out into the alley way leading to the back of a tiny restraunt. Liam obviously planned this out carefully. This place was only right down the road from the arena. We had been driving for about 20 minutes because Liam had taken all the back ways and gone in circles to try to get paprazzi or fans that may have been following us, off of our tails. He didn't want them knowing about us, he didn't want to confirm the rumors. My heart burst into a million pieces at this sudden realization.

Finally, I forced myself to open the door and swallowed the lump in my throat. I could feel my eyes watering up but I tried to remain calm. My mom and Liam both stared at me worriedly, Liam's hand on the doorknob. I looked at my moms face, trying to find any type of hint that might say that she was disappointed as well. Somewhere within the little crinkles beside her eyes, there was that little hint of fallen hope. My whole body shook as I blinked and a tear fell down to the dirty, cement ground.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked, moving closer to me.

"Don't come near me." I told him. "If you're too ashamed to be with me in front of the entire world, then you sure as hell don't get to be with me alone." I turned around and walked off and as I did so, I was almost positive I heard the sound of voices being raised behind me. At least my mom agreed with me.

As I walked I thought and thought and thought. That's the only thing I could do. I thought about how much I hated how the cards were always stacked against me, I thought about the hurt I felt inside. I even found myself getting mad at my mom, for bringing me into a world like this and for keeping me away fro so long. Thirty minutes of solid thinking later, I stopped and pulled off my shoes. I threw them in my duffel bag, which was slung over my shoulder and pulled my phone out. It was 12:23. I still had a good mile or so until I got home, and I was not excited. I was however, grateful that it was a thursday so not very many people were out. That didn't mean that paparazzi weren't somewhere taking pictures of me secretly, but at least no one approached me. 

On the second half of my walk, I thought about a plan. I looked things up on my phone and I read articles upon articles. I thought so cleverly into my plan that I had step by step instructions in my head and by the time I finally walked into the door, I almost wanted to laugh at how much of a genious I was. The house was dark and everyone was asleep so I tiptoed up the stairs and snuck into mine and Megan's room. Luckly, she was asleep. I set my duffle bag down gently and as quietly as possible, changed into leggings and pulled on a jacket. I crept back downstairs, phone in my hand, already looking up directions and getting ready to walk another few miles on my already aching feet. I ran outside, completely ready for what was to come but as I was halfway across our pitch black, long lawn. A voice echoed behind me.

"Where are you going at 12:30 in the morning?" I squirmed at Declan's voice and turned to find him running up to me. I saw the outline of his body but not much else.

"It doesn't really matter." I told him.

"I think it does." He replied back.

"Declan, just go back to sleep and let me deal with this." I turned to leave but he grabbed my wrist.

"Deal with what? What's going on?" I swallowed hard, trying not to cry again.

"I can't tell you right now but just trust me that everyhting's going to be okay and that I need to do this. I really really need to do this." I tried to convince him to let me. "Please don't tell anyone about this." He nodded and let go of my wrist. 

"Thank you." 

"Stay safe." He told me and I fled, following the map on my phone.

---------------Author's Note----------

Didn't edit.. Sorry not sorry... I'm too busy watching Teen Wolf for that... <3

Leave me a comment if you've seen This Is Us yet or if you've bought the new perfume! I haven't done either yet but hopefully I will soon!! 

xx, Ashley.

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