I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard voices in the distance. Felix gave me a confused look and the rest of the group seemed to have not heard the talking either.

"Cry? What's up?" Russ asked and the rest of the group now looked at me as well. I raised my finger and tilted my head, listening closely for any more talking. I heard two males talking to each other. No, wait. Three. Three males were talking.

"There are people here," I said, looking at a house close to us. The voices were coming from inside. Scott pulled out his knife — no, wait. MY knife — and the others did the same. Snake was the only one that had a small gun and I was the only one without a weapon. Great.

We sneaked closer towards the house and the voices got louder. One of them really stood out because he had a really thick, Irish accent. I looked through one of the windows and spotted the three looking through kitchen cabinets. The one with the Irish accent had bright, green hair, with a light grey beanie over it. The other two were also not the most normal looking. One of them was wearing a bear hat or something and the other one had red hair.

"I don't think we're gonna find anything," Irish guy said in disappointment, looking at the other two.

The guy with the bear hat sighed, scratching his head, "There's gotta be something. Keep looking."

Russ pulled me away from the window when the red haired guy suddenly turned around, looking at the spot I had been standing a second ago. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the window for a few seconds, suspicion in his eyes, and then turned back around, continuing to search through some drawers. I nodded at Russ as a thanks and he gave me a small smile.

"Guys, I found a gun!" The one with the bear hat yelled from another room and the other two immediately went towards him, disappearing from our sight.

"We should just leave," Pewds said and I nodded, agreeing with him. If we just left them now there wouldn't be any trouble. All we wanted was to get to the city Snake was talking about — these people weren't a part of our plan.

We started backing away, me and Felix the last ones to walk away from the building, when someone suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I gasped when I felt an arm around my throat and the cold barrel of a gun against my head.

"Don't move," the person nearly choking me spoke and I recognised his voice; he was the guy wearing the bear hat. Krism hugged closer to Minx and Russ looked panicked.

"Hey, calm down now. No need to aim a gun at our friend's head," Minx said, raising her hands in front of her in hopes to calm the three guys down. "We were just leaving. We don't want any problems."

The three shared a glance and the Irish guy nodded. The guy that was holding me lowered his gun and pushed me away from him, making me stumble and fall against Felix, who luckily caught me before I managed to fall on the ground.

"Sorry 'bout that. We just can't immediately trust everyone we stumble upon. We got attacked only yesterday, but you guys don't look that bad," Irish guy said with a small smile, nodding at us. "I'm Jacksepticeye."

"Jacksep what?" Russ said in a confused tone and the Irish guy laughed.

"Oh well, just call me Jack," he said.

"I'm Mark," the guy with red hair said, giving us a nod.

"Ken," Bear-hat guy said with a smile. We all introduced ourselves as well, Russ introducing me because I stayed quiet.

"Are you headed for the town?" Mark asked and Scott nodded.

"Yeah, we are. We're hoping to find an old friend there," he explained. The three guys shared a few glances again.

"We're headed there too. Mind if we tag along?" Ken asked and we stayed quiet. Scott looked like he just wanted to scream 'no' in his face, while the others seemed to be considering it. The three patiently waited for us to answer and Krism was the one to speak first.

"Uh, I'm okay with it," she said quietly, looking at her wife. Minx nodded, agreeing with it as well. We hadn't even said anything else yet when Jack cheered.

"Good! Let's go!" He pulled his backpack higher on his shoulder and started walking out in front. We looked at each other for a second, following the green haired fellow shortly after. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Ken.

"Are you wounded?" he asked me and I nodded, looking down at my leg. I pulled my pants up a little to reveal the bloody bandages wrapped around.

"Oh, damn. You need a new bandage around that," he said. Russ hummed in agreement.

"Yeah, he does. We don't have more bandages though."

Mark, who was listening to the conversion, immediately opened his backpack and pulled out a roll of bandage, throwing it at Russ, who caught it with ease. He frowned at Mark.

"You sure?" he asked him and both Mark and Ken nodded.

"Of course."

Russ looked at me and I shrugged. We stopped to refresh my bandage and I had to admit it felt a lot better now that there was a clean bandage around my wound. My leg already looked a lot better as well, so it probably wouldn't take that long for me to be able to walk on my own again. We also changed the bandage around my hand and that cut was already healing pretty well too.

"He isn't bit, is he?" Mark asked, a little worried. I immediately shook my head and Felix told them I got attacked by a dog. They believed us and we continued towards the city. I was actually surprised they didn't make a fuss about my wound like Scott did, but I was glad they just dropped the subject and believed us. I wasn't quite sure what to think about these guys yet, but they seemed okay. For now at least.

More people! Neat!

- Sam.

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