› Forty-Eight / A.P.D ‹

Start from the beginning

She didn't know what was happening back there, but she knew she was in trouble for seeing it. Jordan figured that the man had something wrong with him and his Mum had to help.

'My Mum is a good person, that's why she would help him,' she thought before getting on with her homework.

›››‹‹‹ {when she was 12 years old...}

Hudson kicked the football over Jordan's head, making it roll down the hill near the river.

"Hudson! Quick, it's going to roll down into the water!" Jordan yelled to her younger brother. The pair took off after the ball. Jordan was very athletic, especially compared to her brother. She won most track and field events at school. She held many records too.

Although Jordan was fast, she wasn't fast enough. As she reached the bottom, the ball had already gone into the water. The fast moving stream took the ball in a matter of seconds. Hudson caught up to Jordan and huffed. They both watched his red ball go down the stream. 

"Jordan! Hudson!" their mother screamed from the top of the hill. Jordan gulped at the voice. She knew she was going to get in trouble now. Hudson was always mentioned when her mother spoke to other parents, Jordan was either the devil's spawn or she didn't exist.

The two children ran up the hill, Jordan beating her younger brother by a lot. Her mother glared her, making her feel nervous.

"Where's the ball?" she questioned, looking at Jordan mainly.

"It went down the hill, into the river. Jordan almost got it!" Hudson exclaimed not quite understanding that Jordan will get into trouble.

"You're supposed to be responsible and not lose his stuff," her mother spoke with anger.

"Hudson kicked it. It was an accident," Jordan tried to explain the truth. 

"You really think I'll believe that bullshit? He's nine years old, he can't kick a ball that far," Jordan's Mum said, frowning at her daughter. Jordan sighed with frustration.

"You never believe me! I didn't do anything!" the twelve year old tried again. Her mother growled.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that! That's it! You've ruined the day, we're going home," her Mum decided. Jordan watched as her Mum dragged Hudson along to the car. He looked back at her with sadness.

Jordan kicked a rock angrily before taking off after them.

›››‹‹‹ {when she was 14 years old...}

Jordan had witness another night of constantly moaning from her mother's bedroom. Her Dad was out on a night shift and her Mum took advantage of that.

Jordan was sick of it. Her Mum had three different guys come in last night. Jordan picked up her phone and went into her favourites. Her favourite contacts only consisted of Hudson and her father. She clicked on her Dad's name and brought the phone up to her ear.

It rang three times before her Dad picked up.

"Hey Jords, do you need something? I'm home in two hours," her Dad answered.

"Dad, you need to come home now," Jordan decided on saying. Although, she didn't know that by telling him, it would ruin her family forever. 

"Why, is there something wrong? Jordan?" her Dad asked in panic.

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