Chapter Thirty Three : "You Made Him Weak"

Start from the beginning

"Cool name" I smiled , sighing , as I sat next to Freddi sipping at the juice in my glass and setting it on the table that separated the couches . 

"Jason , this is Mason , Riley , Kane and Seb" Freddi introduced as he gestured to each of them . 

"It's an honor to meet you all" I smiled in a nod "And an honor to be working with you . But , If you don't mind , this is a really urgent mission and it's not going to be easy . My girlfriend is--"

"We know , Freddi told us more than enough about what's happened" interrupted Kane , his blond hair softly sitting across his forehead . "We've met your brother before , total dickhead!" . Everyone went silent , I watched as Mason shook his head . 

"No , it's ok . I know he's a dick . Actually , don't call him my brother . He's been nothing but trouble to me" I nodded , a smirk growing on my lips . "That's why I need your help guys" I stated as I sat forward on the couch . "We need to come up with something quick and smart . He's going to try and turn her against me . Worst of all , he'll probably go for her family . That's the last thing I need" from the corner of my eye I saw Freddi look at me intensely . 

"You know?" his voice shook in question as his eyes held their lock on me . "How'd you find out?" he breathed heavily . I looked over to the guys who were gazing at us both in confusion . 

"I'll tell you later" I murmured as I looked back at him . "Right now , we just need to come up with something . I can't stay in this house for much longer" I seethed through my teeth . 

"Hey , McCan" began Seb who sat to the right of Mason . "Do you even know who we are?" he smirked as he leaned forward , patting the top of my arm . "We'll get your girl back" he winked "We've also got some unfinished business with your punk ass brother" he raised his brows in a nod . 

"I see" I smirked back "So , what's first?" I leaned forward in my seat , itching for the first step of the take down . 

"First" ordered Mason "Where's the guns?" a menacing , sly smirk spread across his lips . I returned one as I stood up from the couch . Loving where this was going . Anticipation fluttering within my chest . 

"Follow me" I chuckled before leading the way down the corridor . 

*Ashton's P.O.V*

As I sat , in the freezing cold cell . The only blanket of heat around me was my hair that lay unctuous around my back and shoulders . I wrapped my arms around my knees and hugged them close to my chest . As I heavily breathed out , I could see the harsh mist of my breath that circulated up into the ceiling . Suddenly , the sound of heavy boots erupted from down the hall . I began to panic , my breath quickening as I stood up from the ground . 

The footsteps were getting closer , I backed away into the darkness . Slotting myself between the two cornered walls . I could hear now that whoever it was , they were standing on the other side of the cell bars . "Collins" a voice growled . "Your wanted upstairs" . I harshly gulped away the fear , well , tried to as I emerged into the dim light a head of me . 

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