Smooth as whiskey [Jensen x Reader]

Start from the beginning

"Hi, I have a room booked under [Full Name]."

"Yes ma'am, room number 614- fourth floor. Just sign the check in book and here is your key. I hope you have a wonderful stay." Handing you the key and you quickly sign your name, you smile and the receptionist.

"Thank you so much ma'am." You smile, grabbing your duffle once again and head off towards the elevator.

Stepping in and pressing the button for the fourth floor, you back up and close your eyes. Not that your scared, but elevators are just the kind of things to put you to sleep. Why can't they play upbeat music in these damn things? You thought.

Before the doors completely closed, you heard someone's hand smack between them and making them open again. Quickly looking, you see it's the guy from earlier.

"Oh, hi." You smiled.

"Hi. So are you here for the convention?" Caught off guard, sort of. You weren't expecting the guy to start up a conversation.

"U-uh, yeah. Yeah, I am. How about yourself, sir?" You sighed, letting out a breath you were holding.

"Mm, I am. What's your name?" He smirked, turning to face you.

"[Y/first/n]." You smiled as you stuck out your hand, "and you are?"

"Daniel." Somehow, you felt like he was lying. He doesn't look like he was a Daniel, but you just can't put your finger on it. He shook your hand as the elevator dinged.

"Well, looks like this is my stop," you grab your duffle, walking out the elevator. Something about this guy, just makes your insides come alive, your knees turn to jello, making your cheeks flush without ever doing anything. "See ya around, Daniel." You winked at him before you turned around, making your way to your room.

My god, who the hell is that guy? You thought, you just wish you could see more of him. His face, mostly. What was with the hat and sunglasses? What a weirdo. You shook your head, pulling out your key once you found your room.

Opening the door, you took a look around your surroundings. It was nice, a king size bed, a flat screen tv mounted on the wall, a balcony, and a pretty decent sized master bathroom. Shaking your head, you decided to call your mom.

"Hey mom."
"Hey! How was your flight? Did you get to the hotel okay? Have you met anyone yet?"
"Whoa easy there, tiger. My flight was fine, yes I'm at the hotel—by the way, I would've been fine at some cheap motel and not some five star hotel. Like Jesus, mom. This place is nice like superstar nice. Y'all didn't have to do this. And I haven't really met people, yet. How's everything done there?"
"Haha, you deserve it honey. And good. Keep me updated. Everything's good."

After a few more minutes of talking with your mom, you told her you had to go, that you were gonna get some sleep and that you would talk to her later.

"Alright, I love you too, mom." With that you hung up and threw your phone on the bed.
Stripping down to your tshirt and panties, you crawl into bed, passing out once your head hits the pillow.

//Your birthday morning//

Hearing your phone going off a million times, you groaned into your pillow. Why can't people let me sleep? I need my beauty rest! You angrily thought to yourself.

Reading your phone screen, you had over a hundred text and phone calls, all saying happy birthday, to be safe and drink responsibly.

Chuckling to yourself, you put your phone down and got up to shower. Stopping at your duffle you pulled out a pair of dark wash ripped skinny jeans, a white flowy tank top, and a simple blue and red flannel, plus a pair of panties and a bra. A girl can't forget those kinds of things.

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