Chapter 35

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"Who is it?!" I raised my voice a little. Gosh, I need to calm myself down. "I'm sorry to say this...but it's Laura" he replied. When he said "Laura" I completely froze for a couple of seconds and almost dropped my phone on my living room floor. It couldn't be. It wasn't her. I refuse to believe this. Laura was my best friend since we were two. We trusted each other 100%, she wouldn't do this. Connor was wrong, very very wrong. "No no no no no, it can't be" I croaked into the phone. "I took DNA samples from your locker and it matched Laura's fingerprints. "B-but b-but..." I couldn't get the words out of my mouth, I was speechless. How could my earliest best friend do this to me? She would actually risk our friendship just to get to Marcel? It was just extremely hard to take in that my note dropper was Laura. My room was trashed, my worst fears were revealed, and my locker was vandalized, and it was all because of Laura.

"Thanks for the info..." I said stiffly. He said no problem and then I hung up. I sprawled myself on the couch and stared at the ceiling for ten minutes. I just couldn't believe this whole plan was all Laura. A memory flashed through my mind of when we were in 2nd grade. We both made a pinky promise that we would be best friends forever and never betray each other. She broke her promise, which was the sad part. That memory was my favorite memory between me and Laura, but now it felt like one big lie. Sometimes I just wish I'd never met Marcel, I would continue to have a normal life. But I also don't wish that, since I finally found someone who loves me for me. I knew I had one thing to do: It's time to confront Laura.


It was Friday and first period was PE. I was a little late so I ran to my locker and grabbed my gym clothes. I went to the locker room and everyone was already changed and heading inside the gymnasium, except for one person. I saw Laura changing from her sandals to a pair of NIKE sneakers. I walked up to her while she was tying her right sneaker. She looked and smiled at me. "Hey Katrina!" she exclaimed. "We need to talk Laura" I said sternly and crossed my arms. "Sure, what's wrong?" she asked concerned. "I know you are the note dropper" I dropped my voice to a low whisper. Her smile faded and her face turned extremely pale, like a sheet of paper. "I-I...I-I" she stuttered. "Save it, why would you do this to your best friend?" I shouted. She looked still for a few moments and then she burst into tears. She dug her face into her sweatshirt and I could hear her faint sobs. I patted her back. She lifted her head and of course, her mascara smeared, but that was the last thing to worry about.

"I didn't want to do this" she said in a normal tone. "Then why did you?" I asked. "Mackenzie forced me" she replied, wiping a tear that was rolling down her cheek. She told me everything that happend to her for the past few weeks. She told me that Mackenzie blackmailed her into trying to ruin my life and eventually get Marcel. She told me that the time Gina spilled her spaghetti was because Mackenzie tripped her. That time it was actually Laura who hit me with a dodgeball. When my room was trashed, Mackenzie broke in and vandalized my room. Laura told Mackenzie my fears while she was making a sign that stated those fears. Mackenzie pushed me into the cake and pineapple juice. Laura ruined my locker. But, most important of all, Laura was forced to use fake handwriting on the notes. I knew the handwriting was familiar, now I know it was Laura.

I somehow knew that Mackenzie was involved in this whole thing. I should've trusted my senses and confronted her. Instead of going to the gym, I went to the Principal's office. I told him about my note dropper situation and told him that Mackenzie was behind all of it. Of course, he needed proof so he called in Laura and Mackenzie. When Mackenzie walked in, she gave me a dirty look. Laura walked in with her phone in her hand. "Good morning Principal Walker" she said, smiling. "Do you have your proof?" he asked her. She waved her phone in the air and turned it on. She pressed on her texts and clicked on the thread that was labeled "Mackenzie". She gave the phone to Principal Walker. "You need to try harder to make Katrina's life miserable so I can have Marcel, unless you want me to reveal your secret to the whole school" he read from the last text. Mackenzie turned really pale and she was sweating like crazy. "And I have pic-" Laura was cut off by Mackenzie's shouting. "Okay fine! Everything is true!" she shouted.

After 20 minutes more staying in the office, Mackenzie was expelled and had to spend two months in Juvenile Detention. Apparently, it was illegal to vandalize, threaten, and blackmail. Laura received three days of detention for going with the plan, which was unfair. But, I told Marcel everything and he smiled wide, his perfect dimpled smile. We spent lived the rest of the year with no problems and I guess we lived happily ever after :D



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