Chapter 12

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I quickly sat down and tried to avoid Marcel the best I could. I opened up my notebook and waited for Mr. Garrett to come in. But, it was early, so I decided to doodle in my notebook. I tried to draw a rose but it was a major fail. I couldn't draw at all. I looked around the room to make sure no one was looking before I did this. I drew a heart on the blank corner of my notebook and wrote 'MARCEL' in the empty heart.

I continued drawing hearts for a few minutes. "What are you drawing?" I heard a voice say. I closed my book as fast I could. It was Marcel. He is the LAST person I wanted peeking in my notebook. He smirked at me, which made me smile a little. I couldn't help it, he was adorable. His dimples, his beautiful green eyes, his smile, and his hair all fit together perfectly.

I turned back around and continued feeling like shit. I thought about it for a minute. I can't believe how someone that is considered a "nerd" turned out to be the most sweetest, funniest, and overall, the best person I've ever met. Yet, I don't understand how he likes someone else. I have been there for him since he walked into this classroom. I never called him a "nerd" or a "geek" like everyone else. I never laughed or made fun of him. I gave him a makeover for crying out loud. I know I'm being selfish but, if someone would most likely deserve Marcel's love, it would probably be me.

After 45 extremely boring minutes on learning about the book "Little Women", the bell finally rang. I walked out without waiting for Marcel. "Katrina!" I heard Marcel's voice shout from the other side. I tried to walk a little faster, but Marcel caught up with me. "Is something wrong?" he asked, giving me a concerned look. "I didn't want to be late to class, hey, where's your crush?" I asked, pretending to be interested. "Um...I don't know" he replied, scratching the back of his head. "Go find her, take the advice I told you" I said. It was really hard to keep a smile on my face when talking about your crush's crush. "Nah I don't really feel like it right now" he responded. The second bell rang, which ment 3 minutes till class starts. We both ran into Mr. Parker's history class with about a minute to spare.

The rest of the day was pretty much a blur, I just dragged myself from class to class, not really talking to Marcel. But whenever Marcel, I would nod or just speak one or two words at a time. I looked at the clock. Ugh, 2:55, Marcel time.

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