Chapter 28

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I guess everyone hates me when I try to start a new story so I will start from where I left off.


I was about to open my door but I noticed a white piece of paper taped to it. I slowly detached the note from my door and read it.

"You sure look good in frosting and pineapple juice xoxo"

The embarrassment hit me again. That night with Marcel really helped me get my mind off the incident at the party. But, this note just reminded me that I humiliated myself in front of half the school. It was sure to get around by Monday and I'll be known as "Frosty Girl" or whatever clever name that people can come up with. I just don't understand how I got myself into this mess. All I did was date Marcel. But unfortunately, someone was just so jealous of my relationship that they would try to make my life miserable just so she can have Marcel to herself. But, it's not like Marcel would automatically just date someone else after I stay away from him. He loves me, and I know that he would be absolutely devastated if I stayed away from him. Honestly, I don't know what this girl is gonna do if Istay away from him. Does she think that Marcel will just come to her and sweep her off her feet and then they all live happily ever after? Haha yeah right.

I was really bothered by whoever was sending these notes. Thanks to her "bad luck" I have a stained shirt, a bruise on my forehead, a vandalized room, and some pretty "sweet" humiliation. I was pretty sure Mackenzie's party was supposed to be the biggest event of the year. Oh great. Might as well just tattoo "Loser" on my forehead.

I unlocked my door and ran through the whole house. I had to make sure that the note dropper didn't vandalize anything else in my home. Luckily, everything looked normal and breathed a sigh of relief. I plopped myself on my bed and looked up at my ceiling. The red painted letters that said "I Warned You" was still on my ceiling, but my dad will paint over it tomorrow. Then I realized something. How did the note dropper get into my house without damaging the door? I gasped. She must have a key to my house. I really need to find out who the note dropper is. I guess I can get Marcel's help and maybe I can tell Laura and Sarah to help me too. The handwriting did look familiar so maybe they can figure it out.

I looked at my digital clock and the glowing green numbers showed 11:56. It was kind of late and I was exhausted. I changed out of my pineapple-smelling dress and put on my cotton pajama pants and a white t-shirt. I laid in my bed and drifted off to sleep.

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