Chapter 4

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I crossed my fingers when Mrs. Schwartz was passing out the graded math pop quizzes. I was failing math and I couldn't afford another bad grade. But, unfortunately a big fat F landed on my desk. I looked at Mrs. Schwartz and she gave me a very displeased look. On the corner of my quiz paper, Mrs. Schwartz wrote in her blue ball point pen "Get a tutor or summer school" I groaned and laid my head in my arms.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was just Marcel. "What did you get on your pop quiz?" he whispered. At first I wasn't gonna tell him, but he is the new kid, he won't tell anyone. I picked up my paper and handed it to him. When he saw the F he gave my a grim look. "So you hate math?" he asked, giving me a little smirk. "I dispise it" I replied. He took one more look at my paper and read what Mrs. Schwartz wrote. "I can tutor you if you want" Marcel insisted. I smiled. "You would do that?" I asked. "Of course, you helped me, so I help you now" he grinned. "Thanks" I said. "No problemo" he replied. I ripped a piece of notebook paper and wrote my number on it. I handed it to Marcel. "Call me so you can give me your address" I whispered. He nodded and looked really surprised at the piece of paper with my number on it. I guess he never got a girl's number before.

Mrs. Schwartz slammed a ruler on her desk to make everyone quiet down. The room grew silent and Mrs. Schwartz began her lesson with Pi. Of course, some jocks thought she meant real pie, and started cheering. One jock yelled out "What kind of pie?" Mrs. Schwartz turned around and gave the jock a dirty look.

Mrs. Schwartz started passing out sheets of papers will billions of numbers on it. "These are the first 200 numbers for the infinite decimal, Pi" she said. "You must memorize these by next week, it will be on the test". The whole class groaned. "Silence! Or I will give you 200 more!" she warned. No one dared to speak.

The bell rang and I caught up with Marcel. "Memorizing 200 numbers is outrageous right?" I told him. He shrugged. "I know the first 1000 numbers of Pi, it's not a problem for me" he said. My mouth hung wide open. "How in the world? You must be a genius" I said. "Why thank you" he replied, giving a little bow. I laughed at him. He laughed too. I noticed the dimples on his cheeks. They were so adorable on him. I don't know why, but I'm looking forward to the tutoring.

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