Chapter 32

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I looked at my locker and my mouth fell open. The note dropper wrote "KATRINA LOVES LUKE HARPER" with a black Sharpie. Before I met Marcel, I had a little crush on the quarterback of the school football team, Luke Harper. His sandy blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes were adorable and all the girls swooned over him, but he was nothing compared to Marcel. "Who's Luke?" Marcel asked, scratching the back of his head. "Just some jock I used to like before you" I responded. "Oh" he simply said and his eyes stared down to the floor. I could already tell he was a little jealous. "Now I like you Marcel, not like, I love you" I said and pressed my lips onto his. His face lit up in a cheeky grin. I turned my locker combination and the inside was a horrible mess. My mini band posters were ripped and my locker mirror was cracked. My sack lunch was missing and my bottle of water was spilled all over my text books. I quickly grabbed the nearly empty bottle and threw it in the trash can. My history text book didn't look so bad, but my math text book was drenched. I sat down on the floor and leaned my back against the lockers. Marcel slipped next to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Everything will be alright" he whispered. I smiled but I knew he was wrong. Everything wasn't gonna be alright. If I keep ignoring all of this, it was only going to get worse. I had to ask as many people as I can and hope someone recognizes the handwriting. I'll start at lunch and ask Laura and Sarah. They'll probably know who's handwriting it is. I just didn't want to get Principal Walker's help, I didn't want my parents involved with this. I am 17 years old, I have this under control.

We walked down to lunch about 10 minutes late, so we hurried to the lunch line. I tried to find a tray with a peanut butter & jelly sandwich but I couldn't see anything but the trays of mystery meat. "Um excuse me?" I said to the lunch lady. "Yes?" the lunch lady replied. She was plump and wore her brown hair in a hair net. I couldn't stop looking at the mole on the side of her nose. It was big and I think it on it. "Um do you have anymore peanut and butter and jelly sandwiches?" I asked shyly. She shook her head and said "Just mystery meat". I grabbed a tray with a small loaf of mystery meat and so did Marcel. We took a seat next to Sarah and Laura. They both said hey and started talking about the new Teen Wolf last night. They were fangirling over Dylan O' Brien and continued on and on about him. I had to admit Dylan was a cutie, I couldn't blame them for being obsessed with him. "Um guys? I have a problem" I said to them. "What's the problem?" Laura asked with her mouth full. "Um..well a person keeps leaving me threatening notes in my locker and now bad things keep happening to me" I replied. "Let me see a note" Sarah said. I took one of the notes out of my bag and handed it to Sarah. "Hmmm..." Sarah muttered when scanning the note. "I have no idea who's handwriting this is" she said. I groaned to myself and Sarah handed the note to Laura. "Nope" she simply said. I groaned louder. "Can you guys help me after school?" I asked. Sarah nodded, but Laura said she had soccer practice. I heard my stomach rumble and looked down at my mystery meat. It couldn't be that bad right? I took a plastic knife and sliced off a small piece. I examined the piece of meat, it was all slimy and looked unedible. I set my fork down and just drank my milk instead. I thought to myself, this is gonna be a long investigation.


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