Chapter 5

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This story only has a couple hundred reads so please share this with your followers.

I really need readers.


Arlinda xx

I sat at home watching TV by myself. There was nothing good on so I decided to just watch some good ol Spongebob. I left my phone on the coffee table in front of me, waiting for Marcel to call. Why was I making such a big deal about this? It was just some kid from school calling me to arrange a tutor session. Nothing exciting just...math.

In the middle of the scene when Spongebob and Patrick stole a balloon, I heard my phone ring with my Lana Del Rey ringtone. I quickly picked it up and answered. "Hello?" I said. "Katrina?" I heard Marcel's sort-of-nasal voice say. "Yeah, it's me, so when do you want to arrange the tutoring?" I asked. "Maybe tomorrow at 3?" he suggested. "Sounds great see you then" I said. "Wait one more thing" he said. "Yes?" I said. "Thank you for being nice to me" he said. I don't know why but when he said that, my heart jumped a little. I felt so special that Marcel was thanking me for that. "No problem, you don't deserve the hate you get" I say, then I hang up.

I went to the fridge and took out an apple. The year before, I had a huge stomach and weighed a whopping 165 pounds. This past year, I've worked out and ate healthy, and I'm not at a slim 130 pounds. I have given up soda and chocolate and can only consume them during special occasions.

I opened up my laptop and checked who was online on ooVoo. I saw Sarah was online so I decided to say hi.

Me: Hey

Sarah: Are you friends with that Marcel kid?

I thought about it for a moment. Was I Marcel's friend? I guess I was. I invited him to our lunch table and I gave him my number. Seems like friends to me.

Me: I guess

Sarah: Did you see him at lunch today? He was calculating the temperature.

What a geek!

Me: I was actually impressed

Sarah: Do you like him or something?

I froze a little. Of course I didn't like him that way, I just met the guy. But, some features of his are kind of cute. I decided not to tell her that.

Me: Of course not!

Sarah: You gave him your number

Me: He's tutoring me

Sarah: Whatever I gotta go

She logged off and I just laid on my bed. Was I losing a friendship cause of Marcel?

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