"I'm enjoying this more than I thought I would" Connor says with a smile on his face.

"I'm glad" I say and wink at him, that being the only kind of affection I can show him at the moment.

"Are you guys boyfriends?" Pixie asks and I smile.

"We haven't really labeled ourselves" I say and look over to Connor. "What are we?" I ask and he smiles.

"Whatever you want us to be" he says with a smile and I laugh slightly at the cliche response.

"Yes. We're boyfriends" I say and both women smile.

"I feel like that was a way to important moment for me to watch" the woman with black hair says and I laugh. "I'll be right back" she says and gets up from her seat.

"That's not how I expected that to haplen at all" Connor says and I laugh.

"Oops" I say and shrug my shoulders. Connor laughs and kisses my cheek quickly.

"You guys are too cute" pixie says and I smile.

"Well thanks" Connor says while I blush.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to go get most of the blues that we have and you can pick what you want" she says and stands up to leave. I nod and she walks away, leaving me and Connor by ourselves.

"I love you so much" he says and grabs my hand. I smile and bring his hand up with mine and kiss his knuckles softly.

"I love you too" I say and kiss his hand again. The woman with dark hair comes back so we have to let go but we are constantly giving each other loving looks and making weird faces at each other causing each other to laugh.

"Okay. Here are all the blue ones that we have. I'll let you pick" pixie says when she gets back with the blues. There are a ton of them. I don't know how I'll choose.

"I didn't even know there were this many shades of blue. This is crazy. How will I pick?" I say and she smiles. I look and after a while I pick the one I like most.

"Good choice" she says and pushes all the other colors to the side. She shakes up the paint and then opens it.

"That's a really nice color" Connor says and I smile. I look down at his fingers and see them being painted a dark red.

"I really like yours too" I say and he smiles.

"It's my favorite color" he says and looks down at them again. The color suits him.

"Okay. I'm almost done. Just have to put on a clear coat and you can leave" she says and I smile. I see that instead of all of my fingers being blue, my ring finger is painted white on both hands. I look over and see that Connor is already finished and is just waiting on them to dry now.

"All done! Do you like them?" She asks and I smile.

"I love them. Thank you" I say and she nods with smile. She hands me and Connor both a piece of paper telling us how much we owe and I quickly snatch Connors away.

"No. Let me pay. This is something you really wanted. My treat" Connor says and I smile.

"Are you sure?" I ask and he nods with a smile.

"Absolutely" he says and takes the papers out of my hands. He pays both of the women and we thank them again before walking out of the salon.

"Thank you Connor" I say and he smiles before kissing me. "I love you"

"I love you"

"Now where to?" I ask and he smiles.

"Let's go home. I'm in the mood to cuddle and watch movies" he says and I nod.

"Let's go"

A/N Heeeeellllloooooo!!!!!!! Sorry. I'm in a good mood. Hope you all are too! I hope you liked this chapter. I know I did.

Please don't forget to vote and comment. I love hearing from you guys! It alway makes my day so much better knowing what you all think about my story!

I love you all so much and thank you for reading!!! Until next time!

Real or Not Real? (Tronnor) (boyxboy) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now