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Chapter 50


“Alright, Eiko, I need you to explain the whole Spirit week deal, you do know about spirit week, right?” she rolled her eyes;

“Of course I know about spirit week” she sighed and began the explanation.

“First, there are five days; Day 1, Valentine’s Day. Depending on when it comes, that’s how the week will go. I’ll explain how this week will go” she paused,

“Last week everyone had the chance to buy carnations, students can buy three different kinds of carnations; white, pink and red. We buy white for teachers, pink for friends and red for crushes, of someone you like, or your boyfriend or girlfriend. I bought a red one for Sasuke” she paused again.

“Oh I also helped you buy yours” I smiled in thanks.

“Go on” she nodded and continued.

“Day 2, my personal favorite, Pajama day. Just how it sounds, you get to wear you pajamas to school” she grinned, and I rolled my eyes.

“Day 3, opposite day” she snickers, “boys are girls and girls are boys”

I raised an eyebrow, “I don’t get it” she sighed, “boys have to dress up as girls, and girls have to dress like tomboys, basically” my jaw dropped, and I suddenly imagined Kiba in a dress. I clasped my hands over my mouth trying my hardest not to laugh.

Eiko obviously wasn’t trying that hard cause she was already rotfl (rolling on the floor laughing).

Seeing her laugh didn’t help me to not laugh, so I ended up rotfl too.

“Okay okay, go on” I said after I calmed down.

She let out a breath and continued explaining, “Day 4, personally I think this is retarded, Ninja day”

I raised an eyebrow, “why do you think its retarded?”

She sighed, “Well, everyone has to dress up as ninjas” she rolled her eyes

“I mean, why would they say we should dress as ninjas if there are no more ninjas in the world, it’s like telling us to impersonate old people”

I chuckled, “don’t look at it that way, maybe they just want to recognize our ancestors” I said holding my fist in front of my face >=| she raised an eyebrow -_- then she started applauding,

“Wow, best acting I’ve heard so far” we both laughed, before she continued the explanation,

“And last, day 5. Spirit week awards day, they give out awards to students and teachers for a bunch of random things. I think that’s about it” I smiled and nodded getting up and stretching.

“Well then, let’s head to school now, shall we”

~At School~

I let out a breath and exited the car; we were beyond late for school.

Yawn, I looked at Eiko and rolled my eyes.

“Good thing I can take a nap in first” she said yawning again.

I shook my head as we entered the building, and almost immediately, all eyes were on us.


Note the sarcasm.

I raced through the halls, my heels beating loudly on the tiled hallway.

Eiko ended up abandoning me, leaving me to the rabid fans.

I took a sharp turn into the gym.

I ran my fingers through my curls walking around the gym.

It is not easy running in heels.

I went into the girls’ locker room and changed into my black sneakers, so I still matched. After the quick change, I quickly entered a volleyball game for the rest of class.

I changed back into my ankle boots before going to my next class, English 3.

How fun.

Again, note the sarcasm.

I entered the class, already bored.

I mean why do I need English 3 anyway?

It’s not like I’m going to America or something.

When I got to my seat, I rested my head in my arms and fell asleep.

~Study Hall (7TH Period)~

“Alright let me get this straight, you want us to distribute the flowers to every single student in the whole school in 30mins” I said staring disbelievingly at Anko-sensei.

She sighed, shaking her head.

Here let me explain; Me, Eiko and a bunch of other girls were at dance team meeting, and Anko-sensei just told us that are going to give out a bunch of flowers.

I knew people got flowers, or carnations of whatever, but I didn’t think I would give them out.

“Don’t say it like that, and besides, you and Eiko will get half of the juniors, and the others will get the rest of the juniors and seniors, while the cheerleaders will get the freshmen and sophomores” I scoffed, I’d still have to take a stupid detour of the school in heels, after I had already gotten my daily exercise and then some.

But nonetheless, we agreed, not like we had a choice.



Here I was, in the middle of the hallway, pushing a cart filled with fake carnations, an unnecessary blur of pink, white, and red.

I have too much free time.

I reached my first stop, and knocked on the door. I heard some yelling and a crash before the door was opened by the teacher.

I handed him around 20 bouquets of carnations. He smiled at me and I went on my way.



I was finally on my last stop, my own classroom. And it looked like I still had a bunch of flowers to hand out, like 80% of the flowers were still on the cart, and I went to, like, 20 different classes!

Anyway, I went inside, taking the cart with me, I mean, it’s not like I can actually carry all those stupid flowers, heck no! I don’t think so!

“Ahh, I see you’ve finally brought our carnations” he said finally putting his book away for once. I nodded and grabbed his big bouquet of white carnations, it had about 40 in there, geez, he’s really loved.

“You know kakashi-sensei, I think you’re the most loveable teach I've ever seen” I said smiling.

He chuckled and grabbed his flowers. He got up and started handing out the many carnation bouquets.

My eye twitched. O-M-G!!!! You seriously have got to be kidding me! There is like a hundred carnations in here, both red and pink!

And the scary part is that, Sasuke actually has more than me!!! I check the names on a few of the carnations.

I don’t even know these people!

Damn, I didn’t know I was so popular.

Eiko got a little bit smaller than me, and Kiba had around the same size, in mostly red.

I sighed as we got dismissed to go home.

Everyone in the halls were talking loudly and discussing how many carnations other people got and such.

I rolled my eyes heading straight for my car with Eiko following closely behind.

I got in and drove home, hopefully tomorrow won’t be so, I don’t know, stupid?

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