Spirit Week: Day 1

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Monday: Valentine’s Day


I walked out to my balcony, and rested my arms on the black metal railing, just looking up at the shiny stars.

“Night of the lunar eclipse” I murmured to myself, after failing to find the moon.

Pppssssttttt!!!! I looked around, what was that?

I jaw dropped when I saw who was signaling me, Daisuke.

He pulled himself up to m balcony.

“Daisuke, What are you doing?!” I asked surprised, of course you would be too, if someone just suddenly climbed u on your balcony.

“Uh, just came to say hey, Hey” wow, that was lame, but couldn’t help but laugh.

He smiled at me. “It’s late, why are you REALLY here?” I asked sitting in one of my many lounge chairs.

“Well, I guess Ijust wanted to know if you were okay, but I have my answer so, I’ll be leaving” He said walking back the he came.

“Aw come on, I just got situated” I whined and crossed my legs.

He smirked and sat down in the chair opposite me.

“So what brings you to my fine home at 2am?” I asked quite dramatically.

He chuckled and smiled, “nothing, really, just wanted to see you” he said resting his elbows on his knees.

I blushed a light pink and cleared my throat, “ahem, no comment” he laughed, and stood up, walked over to me.

“D-Daisuke, What’re you doing?” he got close, oh so close, when I heard a knock on the door.

We both froze. “Akira, you there?” my eyes widened, it was Kiba.

“You have to hide” I said anxiously.

I got up and headed to the glass balcony door with curtains draped over it, a good thing too.

“Stay here, and don’t make a sound” I warned and opened the door, going inside my room.

I closed the door behind me and went to open the door for Kiba.

“I thought you’d be asleep” he said sounding worried.

“Well I thought, you’d be asleep” I retorted.

He smirked, “I guess you're right” he entered my room and sat on my bed.

I bit my lip nervously. “Are you okay” I jumped a little and nodded.

“You don’t mind if I open the door, do you?” he asked getting up. I shook my head, thinking he was going to open the door to my room.

But then I thought about it, why would he want to open the door to my room?

He must mean the balcony door.

Oh no! Daisuke!

Kiba slid the door open, but I didn't see Daisuke.

I didn’t see anyone.

My eyes widened, Kiba walked onto the balcony, he looked down.

I watched his eyes follow something, I followed his line of vision, my eyes widened; Daisuke was running from the mansion.

Even thought I told him not to move, I was kinda glad he did.

I saw Kiba’s fist clench.

“Kiba?” I asked in a quietly, my voice barely above a whisper.

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