A-list, Friend or Foe

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Chapter 27


Itachi completely and utterly ignored my questions, and I don’t think he's gonna answer them anytime soon.

I still wanna know why that guy looked like Itachi.

I've never been so confused; well I’m really not sure since I don’t really remember anything.

He told me to stand at the door and make sure people that weren’t invited stayed out, or something like that, I’m not sure.

"Name?" I asked a girl with brown hair

"Chizami Eiko" she said,

"Sorry not on the list" I said after checking the piece of paper Itachi gave me.

"Do you really not remember me?" she asked looking sad, like she was gonna cry.


I’m confused, why did she just ask me that, I mean isn’t it obvious I don’t remember anything?

"Nevermind, I shouldn’t have come" she said and turned around, "at least i got to see my best friend again" i blinked,

"Who’s your best friend?" I asked, she looked at me like I was stupid,

"What?" i asked, she smiled.

"You" she said, I blinked, "and I want my best friend back" she said before walking away,

"Wait" I said but she had already gone to the limo, I looked back at the party seeing Itachi and the others get drunk and dancing, I silently closed the door and ran to the limo before it left.

I walked up to the tinted window and knocked on it, I rolled down slowly, showing a well tanned guy with upside down red triangles on his face, they looked kinda like fangs.

He had nice brown eyes that looked surprised.

I smiled,

He’s cute.

Wait what am I thinking I don’t even know him!

"Akira?" he asked surprised, in his deep sexy voice...

Stop it!

"Hi, uh..."

Oh no I didn’t think of what i was gonna say, Stupid me!

He rolled up the window as I watched with wide eyes, my palms on the tinted window, slowly the door opens, and he steps out.

I blushed at how close we were, and moved to take a step back, but he grabbed my arm stopping me half way, he smirked as I blushed a deeper red.

He moved his left arm to rest on my waist while his right tilted my chin up to look at him,

"It’s rare to see Akira at a loss for words..." he said smirking,

I don’t like this guy anymore....


I watched as Kiba held Akira while smirking,

Geez what is that guy doing?

I also saw Akira push him away and spray something, most likely pepper spray,

"Holy **** that burns!" he said rubbing his eyes, trying to get the pepper spray out, I walked over with a bottle of water

"It’s you!" she said looking at me, I sighed and walked over,

"I apologize for his actions, truth is you and him are like best friends" I said and watched her reaction, she went from calm to shock to disbelief all in a few seconds

“excuse me?!" she said and looked at Kiba whose eyes were still a little red

"You told each other everything, well except for the fact that you like each other" I said casually, her jaw dropped but that soon changed to anger

"That must be a lie cause I know I will NEVER like a perv like him!" she said glaring at the shocked and heartbroken Kiba.

He got up and went inside the limo.

"Whether you like it or not, he is your best friend and he would do anything for you!" I said and walked back to limo, getting in and slamming the door, how could she say something like that, ugh!!

I sighed and tried to comfort Kiba, while Jeff drove us back to the Uchiha mansion.


I huffed and went back inside, but couldn’t stop thinking about what she said;

He would do anything for me?

Yea right.

I’d like to see that happen.

Anyway getting off that subject, I feel like I know that girl from somewhere, but where, I mean I haven’t even been 'here' for a whole day, so where do i know her?

Suddenly it was like the room turned black except for a white screen-like thing in front of me, I saw me and that girl in some ugly green uniform things, then some guy came up to us and said something making me punch him so hard he flew back into a wall, I smiled satisfied, while the girls widened.

The guy got up and walked over, wiping his bloody nose, I put my hands on my waist and motioned for him to bring it!

With my other hand, attempted to punch me, but I grabbed it and the other one about to land a punch and pushed him back into a wall, pinning his hands to the wall, I smirked and said a few things with a deadly look, making him cower into the wall in fear, I watch my eyes go from black to red with black dots.

I let go of him and he slumped to the floor while I walked away.

The girl was probably scolding me by the look on her face, suddenly I heard someone calling my name; I saw Hidan right in front of my face,

"Damn girl, where the fuck were you?" he asked, I looked at him blankly,

"Nowhere" I said and got up, I shook my head when I saw Itachi dancing with some random drunk blonde.

I sighed; suddenly that sentence came back to me,

'Whether you like it or not, he is your best friend and he would do anything for you!'

Normally I wouldn’t mind but I kept repeating and repeating; it gave me a headache.

I need to get out of here!

I quickly made my way to the door, but was stopped by Hidan

"Where the fuck do you think you’re going?!" he said blocking the door.


I clutched my aching head and fell to my knees, the headache went down so I managed to get up again, and Hidan gladly got out of the way once he saw my deadly glare,

Muahahaha, ahem.

I kept walking down a random sidewalk since I have no idea where those people went.

I looked up at the dark sky, was it already that late?

Just then I saw the clear white strike of lightning, almost immediately I heard the thunder, as it began raining, great, just great!

Note the sarcasm.

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