Eiko's Twin Sister & Kiba's Date

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Chapter 19


I was in a pretty bad mood today and I tend to get a little controlling and mean when I’m in a bad mood, I’m not exactly sure why but I think it has to do with the A-list making a band, now I have to be the lead singer and let’s face, I DONT WANNA SING!

I know I sound really whiney and childish but obviously I don’t care at the moment.

Just then I spotted the whole group and two Eiko’s.

What the hell?!

"Hello, I’m Ayame, Eiko's OLDER twin" one of the Eiko’s said looking proudly.

I shook my head and sighed walking over to the group, "Eiko, you never told me you had a twin" I said sweetly coming in between Ayame and Eiko, though I had no idea which one is which.

"Akira! Hey, and I didn’t tell you because she isn’t important" Eiko said glaring at Ayame from my right.

"Eiko, manners" I said and turned to Ayame.

"Hello, I’m Uchiha Akira, nice to meet you" I said 'sweetly' holding out my hand, she smiled.

"I’m Chizami Ayame, nice to finally meet you" she said shaking my hand.

"Excuse me?" I asked letting go of her hand.

"You see back at my old school everybody was talking about you, and now I finally get to meet you!" she said smiling.

I forced a smile. "And what school was that?" I asked mentally glaring at every (lowlife) bystander watching this conversation.

"Sunagakure academy for girls" she said still smiling.

Ok, this girl fake smiles too much.

"Alright you can stop fake smiling now, I can tell" I said rolling my eyes.

Gasps were heard from the small crowd. "How did she know it was fake" some random person asked when Ayame stopped smiling.

"Who doesn’t" I heard Sakura and Ino say rudely.

"Ino, Sakura who said you were invited to our little talk?" I asked them.

"We said" they said scowling.

I smiled but it quickly vanished into a frown. "And I say you leave before I make you" I said staring at them menacingly.

They glared and walked away.

"I really don’t have time to talk to twins right about now so I’m gonna leave" I said and I walked away.

"Wait!" I heard Ayame say, I turned around sighing.

"What?" I ask obviously irritated.

"You’re not mad at me are you?" she asks.

I stare blankly at her trying to be 'cute' face, keyword trying. "What do you think" I say rolling my eyes and walking away.

I pulled out my cell and sent a text to one of my friends from military school, his name was Akito.

Me: hey did you know Eiko had a twin

Akito: oh yea, Ayame, she humiliated Eiko just to go out with me

Me: she did?!

Akito: yup why?

Me: no reason, just asking if you knew her

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