Another story, Another place

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*Urahara's POV*

(20 minutes after meeting Ami)

Yoruichi is in danger. If that sternritter went to it's vollstanding....

I watched the battle from afar. Ami just left a little while ago, leaving the bracelet. I worried a lot that she's going to do something really stupid. But now, all my focus is on this battle.

A loud sound can be heard.
I saw Yoruichi fell on the ground.

This is dangerous, I have to help her out.

I called out to her from behind, tapping her ass.

As the result, I got kicked on the face.

"Oww... what did you do that for?"
I rubbed my cheeks.

"What did you tap my ass for?! For heavens sake, Kisuke, you have a fianceé!"
She yelled at me.

I went behind her again.

This time, I injected something.

"What did you inject into my ass?"
She asked me, calming down.

"Urahara Kisuke if I'm not mistaken."
The sternritter said my name.

"Another headache come one after another."
The sternritter sighed.

This guy is clearly underestimating the two of us.

"Oh, you know me? Pleased to make your acquaintance~"
I said, rather surprised that he knew me.

Then he said something about me being an important person said by Ywach himself.

"Well, if I've got such an exaggerated reputation preceding me... I can hardly help it... I'm truly flaterred, although I have to insist it's a gross over-estimation."
I said to him, turning serious.

"Right Yoruichi?~"
And turned to Yoruichi.

"How much time the thing you inject will last?"
She asked me while jumping to the air I followed close behind.

"I'll have to say... about 5 minutes."

"I see, plenty of time."
I saw Yoruichi is about to do her Raijin Senkei again, but I stopped her.

"Wait Yoruichi."

"For the love of... what now?!"
She said irritably.

"C'mon, let's do "it" ."

"No way! I turned into that disgusting form again!"

"I see.. that's unfortunate, but I have to give you a little nudge."
I saw an attack coming, we both dodged pretty easily.

I saw Yoruichi and the sternritter fought for a little. As Yoruichi, again, fell to the ground, I called out to her.

I stood while holding a piece of paper with 'as soon as I ripped this off, you transform.' Written in it.

So I ripped it off and Yoruichi activated her new form.

"What is this..."
The sternritter said, sweat rolling down his face as he saw Yoruichi's new form.

"Raijuu senkei! Shunkou shunryuu kokubyou senki!"
I answered his question.

"Why did you answer for her?"
And a hit of realisation struck his brain.

"No way, don't tell me she doesn't comprehend our language right now."
I just smiled at him as an answer.

I saw Yoruichi attacked him, ofcourse it worked. And I explained what happened to her to the sternritter.

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