Soul Society

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I went to 6th squad captain's and vice captain's office. To find Renji focusing on his paperwork that's still two stack left to do. While Byakuya, as usual, had only a little pile of paperwork to do.

I went inside while knocking on the door.

"You're already inside, why bother knocking."
He said irritably. (Byakuya)

"Sorry, just want to announce something to the two of you."
I said, standing in front of him.

"If it's not important, just go."
He said coldly.

"That's what you said to a friend? Hmph.

I'm going to live in Soul Society until summer ends. Maybe I'll live here after summer ends too."

Now he's looking at me. Not smiling, but I can see from his eyes that he's happy. Typical Byakuya.

Renji said, standing from his seat excitedly.

Then received a glare from his captain to go back to work.

He sat back.

I chuckled.

"Are you serious about that?"
Byakuya asked calmly.

"Yeah. But I'm still thinking about completely moving over."

He closed his eyes and nodded.

"It's a good news."
He mumbled.

I smiled,
"What was it? I can't hear you."
I teased him.

He furrowed his eyebrow and faintly blushed a pink tint on his cheek.

I laughed and head outside while saying,
"See you later Byakkun, Renji."

Then I head to squad 4 barracks. Finding Unohana tending a patient from 11th squad. A newbie who got beaten up by his own captain. Typical Kenpachi.

"Captain! Another one from squad 11 is coming. Same case, captain Zaraki also beat him up."
The 3rd seat said to her.

She smiled at me and said,
"Can you help me? I'm kinda busy right now."
With her sweet smile.

I can't say no.
I chuckled at the word also and walk to heal this dude.

God, he's a mess. Kenpachi have to learn about beating up calmly. But I don't think Kenpachi did this. Maybe Ikkaku or Yumichika did and he's covering them. What a nice captain.

"I'm done."
I said to the 3rd seat.

He smiled and thanked me.
I walked around the 4th squad, trying to find something to do. Sometimes helping them with the healing kido.

After finishing her job, Unohana and I had tea and snacks together. Discussing about me moving. She said she'll find me a husband so I don't feel lonely. Of course it's a joke, right? Or is it?

Then I visited squad 1 to discuss it with the old man. He gladly accept me back. And he'll make me take the captain test if I di move back to Soul Society. He said he needed what I have for a captain in one of the squad. I dismissively said yes to his words then I went home after going around the city.

So tiring...

I cook myself a dinner. Not wanting Takase to cook the first day she's officially back. Weird thing is, my gigai can get inside Soul Society without getting destroyed. So Kim have been living inside my body. And sometimes switch back to being a doll.

I sleep on a warm peach colored futon. It was my mother's but I use it now. I found some yukata and kimonos too. Even a box of jewelry, box of accessories.

The next morning, Takase cooked me breakfast. Then I went to help Rangiku with her work. After helping her work, I helped Toshiro with his work although he insisted for me not to help. After that, Rangiku and I went to the lieutenants lunch room to find everyone there.

We all chatted a lot. Kira and Hisagi had an argument, fighting over me being their captain. But stopped cos' Nanao insisted about me being her captain and her captain being transferred to another squad.

I pity her on being Shunsui's lieutenant. But if I have to choose, I would like to be any of the squad captain. Well, except the 11th, Kenpachi's more suited there.

After having lunch, I went to the jail to visit Gin.

"Cell number 104?"
The guard asked me.

Then I showed him the permission I got from the old man yesterday.

He allowed me to visit.

I said softly to him.

He looked up from the floor. The smile he usually had, is not there anymore.

"How are you feeling? The wound is healed already?"
I approached him, looking at his chest to see a mark the scar left.

"I'm feeling good. As you can see, the wound is completely healed."
He glanced at the scar mark.

"Right, I'm here to tell you. I think I'll move to Soul Society after summer ends."
His eyes now opened, showing his beautiful blue orbs.

"What happened? You won't move suddenly like this."
He held my hands.

I'm looking at his handcuffed hands. It broke my heart. He meant good.

"Nothing's wrong. I just thought... it would be better for me to live here. To remember everything clearly."
I sighed.

I can't tell him.

"Anyway, Rangiku want me to give this to you. Since she's not allowed to visit."
I gave him the letter she gave to me earlier.

He read it and smiled.

"Tell her that I'm okay. And thank you."

"Okay, I'll tell her that."
I nodded.

"No. I mean, thank you to you. Thanks for saving and visiting me."

I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder.

"No need to thank me. Anyway, I'll be visiting a lot more than you can think I could."

We chatted for the 20 minutes of visiting time. I waved goodbye and got the reply of his usual smile.

I have to get him out of there.

But that's impossible. The old man won't let me do that. Except if I did the rescue like what Ichigo did for Rukia. And no, I'm not doing that except if he's getting a death sentence, which thankfully he did not receive.

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