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I went to Urahara's as usual after school. Today I saw Shinji as a transfer student. I laughed quietly when I saw him trying to approach Ichigo.

It seems like he knew me. Recognized me. But it also seems like he knew about mom erasing my memories. He talked to me as I pretended on not knowing him.

How long am I going to act like this...

But I was rather a little disappointed as Shinji was not as kind as I remembered him to be. I heard him threatening Ichigo this morning as soon as the two met each other. But I can do nothing but frowned for a little when nobody paid any attention.

After school, I told Urahara about seeing Shinji like what he said about him approaching Ichigo.

I went to train again but I thought about what Yoruichi said yesterday and became not focused.

I sighed and asked Urahara to end the practice early today.

I kept sighing while walking back home. Luckily, I saw a dog running towards me. I stopped when the dog also stopped in front of me. I patted it and hugged it cos' it's so cute!

Seeing the dog sure lifted my spirits.

A little while later, a guy approached me saying that it's his dog and apologised. I waved it off and back to walk.

That dog helped me release some stress.


Yuzu cooked today's dinner. It's delicious as usual. I sighed and felt like a fool for taking what Yoruichi said yesterday seriously.

I took a long bath to keep my mind out of it. I have to maintain my focus.

As I was drying my hair, there's a massage from Inoue,

'Tomorrow's Sado-kun's birthday! We planned to have a surprise party! Can you bring some drinks tomorrow? Pleaseee.'

I sighed, she sure can tell me something like this really late.

I replied.

After drying my hair, I went to sleep.


Shinji kept on trying to talk to me. He's trying to code me about the past and I tried to pretend on not knowing what he's talking about. He seem dejected about me not remembering anything or reacting weirdly towards his words, so that made him look a little down today.

It's actually tiring to keep pretending like this. Maybe I'll tell everything to him and Ichigo soon.

Talking about Ichigo, he seemed a bit off lately. I think he started to know Shinji's true identity or even been asked by Shinji to train. I just hoped that Shinji and the others didn't kill him in the process.

Anyways, Chad's birthday went smoothly. It's not that exciting since Keigo kinda ruined the cake.


>the next day

Just what I thought, Ichigo have been told about vizards. He's not back. He won't be for a couple of days actually. It seems that Shinji and the others stayed at an old factory to live and train Ichigo.

I think I'll pay them a visit tomorrow and tell them everything.


>the next day

With bags full food in my hands, I walked into the barrier they put on. A strong one, of course. But thanks to my memory returned and Tessai's training, I was able to walk pass it easily.

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