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I've stayed at squad 4 barrack for three days. During those days, Gin always stayed by my side. Today I'm going to train squad 11. Their first training would be really interesting.

As usual, the training is held at east side rukongai at 5 a.m sharp. It's past 5 and I can see a quarter of them haven't arrived. They're mostly the high ranked officers. But I can see Yumichika already came. Ikkaku, Kenpachi, and Yachiru still not here.

"Okay, since it's 5, and I can see a quarter of you are missing. Disappointing."
I frowned at my statement.

"You guys are the strongest officers between the 13 court guard squad. I have high expectation of you. Now! Choose a person you'll duel with! Quick!"
But they didn't move an inch.

Except for Yumichika who grabbed the person next to him immediately.

"What are you doing?! Search for your partner!"
I said strictly. I can see a few of them flinched.

"Why should we listen to you? We're here to train with Captain Zaraki."
Some jerk said.

"Your captain isn't the one who'll train all of you. I am."
Then it became quiet for 5 seconds before they bursted out laughing.

Except for Yumichika and the dude I've beat before.

" Are you kidding me? You're a little kid."
The jerk from before came forward and patted my head.

My face darkens. This jerk annoy the shit out of me.
Then at the same time he finished patting my head, the 1/4 including Ikkaku, Kenpachi, and Yachiru have come.

"Oy, wimp! What do you think you're doing?"
Kenpachi kicked the jerk in the gut.

"C-captain... why did you do that?"
He stuttered, getting up.

"This girl here, is our trainer. Do you have a death wish or something?"
Ikkaku said to him.

"B-but she can't be..."
Some of them said.

"Why can't she?"
Yachiru popped out of Kenpachi's back.

"W-well, s-she's a girl and... she looked so fragile."


Now I'm really annoyed.

"Listen here wimp, she became our trainer cos' she's stronger than us. You get it?"
Kenpachi glared at him.

"Now, apologize to Acchan!"
Yachiru said strictly.

Then they all bowed down, apologising.
I sighed and said,
"Okay, lift your heads."
And they did, hesitantly.

"Thank you Kenpachi, Yachiru, Ikkaku... but that doesn't mean you three get out of the punishment so easily."
I smiled at them.

"What punishment?"
Ikkaku asked, confused.

"Didn't I tell all of you to attend on time? All of you."
I asked them, and they nodded.

"Like what Ukitake did last month, all of the people that got late, run 100 lap around the field! And cos' you're doubting me earlier, today's training will be harder than usual."
I smirked.

"Now! I'll pair you up based on your ranks! Lieutenant with captain, 3rd with 4th, 5th with 6th and so on! Move! Quick!"
And they ran to their partners.

Except for the not-ranked(s).

"For you that don't stand in any ranks, pick anyone you wanted. And remember! Don't release your shikai unless it's really necessary!"
I half-screamed at them.

"Almost forgot! The winner of the entire battle will receive a present from me!"
I smiled.

And I watched them battling against each other. Sometimes I nagged them or giving them advice. Time flies quickly, it's 1.22, they have to eat.

"Okay! Today's training is over! Go eat your lunch and rest! The next training session is two weeks from now on Sunday! At that time, I hope all of you are able to become stronger. Bye~"
I waved and flash stepped towards the cafeteria.

I ate my lunch slowly, weirdly don't have much appetite.

Soon, Kira joined me. We chatted a lot about the training session with his squad. He said that now, every officer in seireitei are afraid of me. And some are worshipping me.

I can see two girls giggling at each other while looking at our table.

One or both of them are having a crush on Kira.

I smiled to myself.

"Hey, look behind you."
I told Kira. And he turned around seeing the girls.

He asked me.

"One of them must've had a crush on you, look! They're coming."
They approached our table with a sketch book and marker in their hands.

"E-excuse me!"
The blonde greet us.

I asked them, smiling.

"W-we would l-like to have y-your autograph. Is that okay?"
She said again.

I'm surprised. Why would they wanted my- oh, what Kira was saying is true. They're my fans.

I said as I signed their book and robe.

I can see Kira smirking at me.
I asked him, laughing.

"See, I told you the truth."
He exclaim.

I said, finishing my meal.

He had finished his work. So he and I went around the seireitei. And we went to the rukon district to do some inspection.

I visited Kukakku and Ganju. They're still the same. We chatted and said goodbyes. Until Rangiku dragged us to her office to help her finish her job. I sweat dropped as I saw the whole paperwork she hasn't done. It's like an entire world full of papers.

We have no choice but to help. But due to too many paperworks, we can't finish all of them. I felt so exhausted, Kira almost blacked out doing the papers. In the end, we both nagged Rangiku not to abandon her work too much.

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