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I had foods and drinks. Even a house here, under ground. I did everything written inside the book carefully. Train myself to become even stronger to defeat Ywach.

That bastard who used his own brother to his own deed.

In this hideout, the time went slower than the actual time above the ground. So I have more time to train. 24 hours above the ground = a full year here. Like when Ichigo trained with his father inside the portal. But here's faster.

I know Ywach will invade the Soul King's palace in about a week or so. He had to heal his comrades too. And... getting ready to face squad 0.

He must've a lot of tricks under his sleeve. Jerkface.


^time skip^ a week later^

I'm finally finished with all the trainings. Getting stronger and faster in every aspect. With this, I could finally kill the bastard who murdered my comrade and sensei.

I've disappeared for a week without telling a single soul. They're probably worried that I'll do something stupid. I went outside the hideout, feeling the actual sun embracing my skin.

Now my apparence had a slight change. My hair is longer, up to the waist even when I put it on a pony tail. My eyes now a lighter shade of red, not as dark as before. My skin have become so white and pale that my veins could be seen.

But still, I looked like my zanpakuto, the red queen, aka no joõ. My eyes become lighter in color cos' I've actually know why they were so red before. My high reiatsu made them like that. Now I could control my reiatsu properly and hide them also.

My eyes and hair will turn to it's original form when I released my original reiatsu. A not properly controlled reiatsu. I have to hide my true strength when I battled against Ywach and his right hand.

I head towards my office to find Kira sitting on his lieutenant seat with still bandages on. But looked healthier and more lively.

He immediately stood from his seat as he saw me walking into the room. Delight and surprise showed on his face. I smiled at him.

"How're you feeling, my dear lieutenant?"
I sat on my seat.

"G-good, what about you? Where have you been?"
He walked closer to my seat, standing before me.

"I'm great. And... I've been on a training by myself."
I said, paying attention to the reports.

"You've missed a lot of things."
He said to me.

Now my eyes focused on him.

"What did I missed?"

"The human, Kurosaki Ichigo and the other captain and vice captains are now inside the Soul King's palace. They are healing and also training Ichigo there."
I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Then why are you here?"

He sighed and said,
"I was told to stay here and protect the seireitei with Ichimaru."

He sighed tiredly this time and nodded.

"Yeah, my former captain, Gin Ichimaru are left behind here to protect the seireitei. And inform you about their absence when you returned."

I nodded,
"I see..."

I really wanted to catch up with Ichigo and the others at the palace. But I can't, I have to make another barrier around the seireitei before I left. And that's exactly what I did.

Done with the barrier, I walked to Kira and Gin who's watching me doing it.

"Protect everyone... and I left mom to both of your care. Don't let her do anything stupid. I'll be back."
They seemed unsure to let me go but nodded.

"Be careful, Ami."
Kira held my hands.

"Survive. Come back alive, get it?"
Gin cupped my cheeks.

I smiled and nodded,
And went inside the portal I made to the palace.


My landing isn't so smooth.

I rubbed my butts and stood up. I'm now inside the squad 0 area.

I scanned the reiatsu(s) and found Ichigo's, Rukia's, Renji's, Byakuya's, Shunsui's, and the others. But no sign of Ukitake's and Unohana's.

What happened to them?
I can't felt their reiatsu back on the seireitei...
They can't be dead, right?

I raised my pace towards the prettiest guardian's division. I saw her along with Shinji.

I waved to them happily.

They looked shocked to see me here. In such energy and spirit.

She tackled me into a hug.

Thank God she's in her curvy-body. Or else, I'll get crushed.

"I-we thought that you died!"
She said to me.

"No... I just need a time for myself."
I smiled reassuring at her.

And looked at Shinji who looked, furious?

"What's with that face?"
I snickered at him.

But he didn't laugh with me. He didn't even smiled. And slapped me that my cheeks turned pink. I didn't get mad or confused why he did that. He's furious that I dissappeared without telling anyone for a week. And with no reiatsu to be traced.

"I'm sorry.."
I smiled softly at him.

But his face remained the same.

He screamed at me.

I flinched while still maintaining my smile.

"Well, I'm alive aren't I?"
I said to him softly.

He's just worried.

"Just... don't ever do that again..."
He rest his hand on my shoulder.

"I won't."

He stared at my eyes and said,
"Promise me during this war, you won't do anything stupid? And also promise me that you won't die."

I chuckled a little and said,
"I promise."

Little did he know that I crossed my fingers behind my back.

I can't... promise him any of those things...
Sorry Shinji...


I was informed that Ichigo is still trying to find his zanpakuto. Training. As Byakuya is also training after he's fully healed now. Everyone is now still currently training their ass off for the war.

Good thing that their speed and strength raised up after the war with Aizen. All thanks to the training and Urahara's weird liquid.

I chatted with the guardians as a hell butterfly flew inside the room I was in.

The news it brought was from my third seat,

"Lieutenant Izuru has passed away due to an enemy assassinate him when he guard the west gate."


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