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👆 that's how Ami looked like👆

In the middle of our training, a hell butterfly made it's way to me. So we stopped, I can see Gin is frowning.

"Captain Commander wished for your attendance in his office now."

With that, the hell butterfly flew away.

Now I have to face Gin.

I sighed and looked directly into his eyes.


"Just go, Ami."
He also sighed and placed Shinsou into it's place.

I didn't say anything more and head for the squad 1 captain's barracks.

"What is it old man?"
I sighed, tapping my feet to the ground, impatient.

"I'll get straight to the point. Ami, would you like to come back in squad 3? As their captain of course."


I smiled so widely and said,
"Of course, sir!"

"Well, tomorrow will be your first day. There'll be a meeting here, at 6. And also an announcement about it."

"Yes sir!"
I felt so happy right now.

With that, I left the room and went straight home.

I screamed as soon as I reached my garden.

"What is it? Your mom's still at work."
Gin yawned, coming out from his room.

"Guess who's going to replace you as the 3rd squad captain?"
I grinned.

"Wow! Congrats Ami!"
He picked me up and spin me around.

He put me down and I hugged him. I felt overwhelmed by happiness.

Today is a happy day, so I made today's dinner. I told Hiroto and Takase to join us. And they did.

I went to bed and Gin is following me from behind.

Before I could speak, he said,
"It's raining. Cold and you know that I can't stand cold."

I sighed and nodded, letting him to slip under my fuuton.

We slept together. As minutes pass by, Gin is slowly getting closer to me. Wrapping his arm around my body and placed his head right behind my neck. I could felt his warm breath.

My face begin to heat up and my heart is beating fastly. I can't sleep.

I slowly moved away from his hug but he stopped me and said,
"Don't move."
In a sleepy voice.

But I moved his arm away from my body. Causing him to sit up and forced me to look up. His face slowly leaning into mine.

As our nose touched, he said,
"Don't move, I'm cold."

I bit my lips to hold my squeal.

"And don't bite your lips. I can't help myself if you did."
He said, lying down in the same position from before.

That only caused me to bit my lip harder and made my face to blush even redder. My heart is thumping like crazy, I'm so nervous.

Slowly, I fell asleep in his arms. Feeling secured and warm.

I woke up to find Gin isn't next to me. He's already eating breakfast. I took a shower before joining him.

He smiled to me.

This is unusual, but I blushed.

I replied.

I ate my breakfast really fast and bid my goodbye. I shunpo-ed to old man's office to find that I'm the last one to arrive.

"I called all of you here, is because, starting from today, Kiru Ami will be the captain of 3rd squad. And please announce it to all people in the seireitei."
I bowed to them, receiving smiles but frown from Mayuri.

"But Captain Commander, she is not qualified to be a captain."
Mayuri opposed.

"She's qualified, Mayuri. She could defeat Aizen when we couldn't."
Kenpachi said to him.

"But still-"
I cut him off.

"I will battle against one of you to prove it, then?"

"Then, who will be my opponent?"
I smiled at them evilly.

"Shunsui will be your opponent."
Yama-jii said to me.

Shunsui exclaimed.

"Okay then. Let's go outside."
I said, getting out of the door.

"Ami-chaann, can you pick someone else? Pleaseee, I don't want to fight youuu."
Shunshui groaned.

"Sure, you pick one then."
I sighed.

"I guess captain Zaraki would love to."
He smiled to Kenpachi.

"Nah, not in the mood to fight her."
He shrugged.


"Captain Komamura?"
He looked at Sajin with hopeful eyes.

Sajin sighed and said,
"Yeah, sure."

We stood in the middle of battle ground, surrounded by hundreds of shinigami as a witness. I stood there, watching Sajin unleashed his zanpakuto. While I left mine in it's place.

"What are you doing? Unseath your zanpakuto."
He said to me in a questioning manner.

"I won't use it if it isn't necessary."
I said calmly, closing my eyes.

"Don't take it as a joke! I won't go easy on you!"
I smiled and nodded.

"I never take this fight as a joke."

He started to get angry, I can see that. And he begin to attack me with his fist at first. But seeing how I simply defend myself by holding his fist, he started to attack me using his zanpakuto.

Either I dodged or stopped his zanpakuto, I never receive a single scratch from his attacks. He panted and stopped attacking me.

I muttered to myself.

"What did you say?!"
I forgot that he's a werewolf. Well...

"I said, you're weak. You can't even give me a single scratch."

He looked down and muttered,

Okay, here we go.

I've seen his bankai multiple times. I know his weakness. I unseathed my zanpakuto. But didn't release it to shikai or even bankai.

I stood infront of the giant and gave it a large cut from shoulder down to it's leg. I saw the same thing happened to Sajin.

He got the same wound. I seathed my zanpakuto and kicked the giant right at it's face. The giant fell and disappeared. With Sajin layed unconcious.

There's a sleeping potion all over the weapon in my feet. A little spear under my shoes. My secret weapon that nobody know about. Sometimes it's covered in venom. But today I covered it with sleeping potion.

I have a feeling that something like this is gonna happen today. That's why I covered it with sleeping potion.

I walked towards Sajin's unconcious body and began to heal his wounds. I stopped the bleeding and Unohana handle the rest.

"So, old man, am I qualified?"
I glanced at him, then at Mayuri.

"You passed."
Then he turned around, going back to his office.

Mayuri clicked his tongue and went back to his lab, followed by Nemu.

I looked to the crowds and said,
"Well, I'm the new captain of the 3rd squad, nice to meet you!!"
And bowed for three seconds before finally going to my own office.

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