Memories II

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I just realized that I'm lying on the carpet the whole time. I stood up seeing someone's asleep on the bed.


I saw his captain haori beside his bed.

Shit shit shit!!! What have I done now??

I walked towards the door silently. Obviously not wanting the grumpy Kuchiki to nag me.

I eyed the room a bit before going to my own room.

Weird... I thought he's a neat person.

I walked out of the room and luckily I had my spare key inside my pocket the whole time.

I walked in to see my room completely neat but there's still the smell of alcohol lingering. I sighed and sprayed my parfume around the room. I found multiple note on my dresser,

'Where were you? I searched for you y'know. Stop making people worried. -Hisagi'

'Yesterday was awesome!
Don't tell Izuru about the drawings, he still have no idea.

'Sorry for getting drunk too early, I'm the one who cleaned the room
(In case if Hisagi or Matsumoto try to take credit for it)
See ya in breakfast!


I washed my face and changed my clothes for breakfast down in the hotel's restaurant. It's 7.30 a.m. I woke up so early for someone who drank last night.

I saw Kira on a table with the other lieutenant who's not joining the drinks last night. I haven't seen Hisagi or Rangiku. Probably they won't be having breakfast.

I sat down on an empty table by myself cos' the tables are full and they're having their own chat. I sighed as I felt a sharp pain in my head. Like someone's hitting my head with a dull object.

I put my hands pressing my head to bear with the pain. But it didn't work. I rest my head on the table to make it stop but it didn't.

What is this? It's not some hangover headache.

I ignored the pain and try to keep eating. Thankfully, the pancake is really delicious so it kinda relieve the pain a little.

I can see Hisagi walking towards me, taking a glance to Kira who had realized about the drawings on his face and rushed to wash it off.

"How are you doing? Headache?"
He put his plate and drink across me.

I simply smiled and replied,
"Nah, I'm fine. You?"

He returned the smile and replied,
"A little hangover. But I'm used to it."

Then we chatted a lot about what happened last night.


"You really are a heavy drinker. You got actually drunk when you're finished with your 16th bottle of sake. Then you wandered off somewhere and I can't find you."
He said while cutting his mountain of pancakes and pouring a syrup at the top.

I laughed a little and told him what happened.

"How??? Did you have the key to his room?"
He asked me.

"Now that I noticed, no, I don't have the key to his room."

"Then... you can't get inside except he let you in!"

I laughed at his words,
"No way! Seriously? Byakuya, the Kuchiki Byakuya, head of the Kuchiki household? I think not."

He gave me a questioned look.
"No Hisagi, no way that asshole did that."

Suddenly, his face become pale and frightened.

"He's behind me isn't he?"
I sighed.

I turned around and there he is. Head of Kuchiki household, Kuchiki Byakuya.


"Said by the one who's knocking in the middle of the night."
He scoffed.

"Look, sorry, I was drunk."
I said, standing from my seat, facing him.

"So childish. You must've lost your manners since she erased your memories."


"As what you just said, its called 'memory erasing' it have nothing to do with my manners."
I retort.

"I see... terrible manners from the start."
He said with an emotionless face and voice.

"You see, I apologized already, isn't that enough?"
I sighed, the pain is getting stronger.

He stood still for a moment then left.

"I don't want that happen for the second time."
He glanced back at me.

I just nodded.

Aahhh.... what a day....

I sat next to Rukia on the bus. We're going back to Karakura. However, she left me alone to chat with Ichigo at the back part of the bus. I sighed as the pain is getting stronger and fell asleep.

I woke up as I felt the bus stopping. We stopped to have lunch at a rest stop. I walked down the bus, wearing my black hat and sunglasses.

We ate italian food for lunch, not a match for summer, I think.... but that's okay. I always liked lasagna anyway, plus, the others from Soul Society wanted to taste Italian food since there's none back there.

I didn't talk much because of the headache. I just nodded or shook my head. Or giving hand gestures only.

I went to the toilet to wash my face. It heal the headache for a split second before it came back. We went inside the bus to take off again. I can see Toshiro's getting ready to sleep to ignore the heat of summer.

"Hey Shiro-kun!"
I called him.

He sat two seats in front of me.

He asked, irritated since his nap is interrupted.

"Woah, chill. I need some ice, that's all."
I put my hands up in defence.

He sighed and stopped the bus, creating a huge ice dragon statue for me. I cut some and took it with me. I used it as a compress to make the pain go away.

It does work a little. But my head is still throbbing like hell! Maybe a medicine? I took a pain reliever from my bag and ate 2 of it. The pain disappeared. I felt so happy and relieved.

Because I was sleeping soundly, nobody dared to wake me up at the next rest stop. I'm kinda mad cos' I really need to go to the toilet. I endured it until we stopped at the gas station to borrow the toilet and of course fill the gas.

This is rare.... my mom called me.

Whisper | #WATTYS 2017जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें