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I called her back and she answered it in no time.

"Mom wha-"

"Your dad is in the hospital."
She cut me off.

"Again? Why? Another attack?"

"Yes, and no, it is an attack but different. It's a heart attack."

"What? How?"

"Just come to the address I've texted you. Go trough the senkaimon."
With that, she hung up.

I stood up, opening the senkaimon. Leaving a note on the table. I'm able to travel anywhere on the human world trough the senkaimon. So now, I'm in Korea. Seoul, Korea.

I came to the hospital address mom texted me. I asked the nurse and they take me to his room. He's inside the ICCU. Coma.

I found mom sitting on the chair in front of dad's room. She's not allowed to stay inside. So am I. I can sense sadness and fear in mom's eyes. Fear of losing dad.

I soothed her and she fell asleep. I was still wearing the gown. My beautiful strap-less long black gown. I took the heels cos' it's tiring to wear them all the time. I change mom's sleeping position to laying down on the chair. I made her bag of clothes as her pillow. And I covered her up with the blanket I just borrowed from the nurse.

I let her sleep comfortably. She must be tired.

I was awaken by the sounds of people running around the alley.

So noisy...

I opened my eyes slowly. Only to realize that the people who's running around the alley are doctors and nurses. And they're not running in the alley. They're running to dad's room.

"Wha- mom, what happened?"
I asked my mom who's now awake.

She just shook her head, crying.
I looked at the time, it's 3.02 a.m.

Then the doctor came out of the room saying,
"I'm sorry, I can't save your husband."
He said that to mom.

Then he looked at me and said,
"Your father.... he's gone."

What? Gone? What does he meant by that? My father....
He can't....

I fell to my knees. Not even a single tear coming out of my eyes. I am broken. Too broken to cry.

I glanced at mom who's crying and being comforted by the doctor and nurse. I can feel my body being pulled up by a nurse. She put me down, letting me to sit on the chair. She sent me an apologetic look and pity.

After done crying, mom passed out. Leaving me all the things to handle.


👉days of the funeral👈

I stood beside my mom at dad's 'respect-giving' at our house. I just stood there, seeing all friends and family coming. Giving their prayer and respect to dad. Each of them put the white daisies under his photograph.

When mom said her thank you to them, I can't move my body. It felt numb and lifeless. I felt cold.

I haven't cried since we were at the hospital and until now. I just can't. I found myself staring at the picture of dad. He's smiling widely like an idiot. My heart aches more when I saw it. But yet, I can't take my eyes off it.

"Pardon us."
Ichigo came inside the room.

He's with his dad and sisters.

After done praying and handing the daisies, he approached me.

"I know how it feel. You have to.... let it out."
And he went to my mom's side, giving space for me and his sisters, Yuzu and Karin.

"You can come to us whenever you want."
They both hugged me.

Ooh, how I wanted to cry. Somehow my body refused to.

"Thank you."
I said really soft, almost sound like a whisper.

Urahara, together with Yoruichi, Tessai, Ururu, and Jinta also came. Urahara keep glancing at me with pity and worry in his eyes. But I ignored him like how he ignored me.

Then, people from Soul Society came. The girls all hugged me, some crying. While the boys keep giving me comfortable words. Yama-jii came too. He's the one who's in charge of dad's funeral.

When dad's body was covered by dirt, I can feel myself aching even more. I can feel it in my chest. I'm hurting.

I took a long shower to calm myself after the funeral. And get dressed in comfortable attire. And went out to a nearby park.

(Quick notice: she had a house near Ichigo's but her mom don't want her to live alone, that's why she told her to live with the Kurosaki's)

I sat on the swing, not really playing with it. Just sat there, letting memories of dad flowing inside. I can physically feel my chest hurting. Like someone just stabbed me with their zanpakuto.

I can't keep on being like this.
Now I only had mom.
She must've felt worse than me.
I have to be strong.
To protect mom.
Protect. Mom.

I thought to myself. Slowly swinging on the swing.


*Ichigo's POV*

I heard about it.
Uncle Kiru just passed away.
Ami's father.

I hope she's alright. Don't do anything stupid...Ami.

I saw her standing. Staring at the picture of her dad smiling happily. I can see how hurt and broken she is by looking at her eyes. It was empty and cold. Not the same fiery eyes she showed before. The fire is being put down. I hope not for a long time.


*Urahara's POV*

I felt bad for ignoring her. I shouldn't have done that.

I saw her thanking Ichigo's sisters for their warm word. She was slightly smiling. A fake weak smile she put on. Trying to be strong. I wanted to apologize but not now. She needs time for herself.


*Shinji's POV*

How is she?
Is she fine?
Did she break down?

All sorts of questions appeared on my head. I'm worried. She just said the news yesterday at dawn. Now it's her dad's funeral.

I saw her pale face and lips staying still during the funeral. She doesn't shed a single tear. But I can see sadness and hurt in her face and eyes. She was trembling when they started to bury the body.

I frowned.

This isn't the Ami I knew.
I'll cheer her up somehow.


*Ami's POV*

It's been a month since dad's funeral. Mom started to smile again slowly. Then she began to laugh at jokes again. She recovered slowly. By the help of our friends who made her laugh.

But I still haven't recover. The pain in my chest is still there. Throbbing so painfully.

People are trying to cheer me up but it didn't work. I don't laugh at jokes anymore. I barely smiled, just to my mom. To reassure her that I'm alright.

I still, however, train the squads. I need something to distract me from this throbbing pain in my chest.

I really need to stop this..

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