□■ Bucky : The Other Side ■□

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We all read stories of the man of our dreams falling at our feet. That one guy who made eye contact with you across the room, and instantly fell in love. But, have we put ourselves in another perspective? Have we felt the pain Epony felt over Marius, or endured the heartbreak of the Phantom when Christine chose Raoul? Do we even know what that's like?

Imagine it: you're at another large party at the Avengers Tower. Stark had been a family friend for some time, and was you tutor throughout elementary school, not only because of his brains but also because he was quite a bit older than you. He was always the older brother you never had.

And now you're standing by the bar in a short- but not too short- party dress, hair and make up done to perfection. You're nothing less than show stopping, but you're not the only beauty there. Heck, half of the women around you were probably super models. It wouldn't be much of a surprise, knowing Tony's reputation.

Then you see him, standing across the room, speaking to Steve. The man that joined the team broken, but now was mended. Bucky Barnes. He was perfection personified, with his shining blue eyes and razor sharp jaw. From the moment you saw him, you felt your heart leap. You knew this feeling, and frankly, you weren't scared of falling in love with him.

You see his eyes begin to scan around the room, and you think, 'This is my chance, here comes my moment.' And you shiver with anticipation as he comes closer and closer to meeting his eyes with yours. The world seems to move in slow motion, and the noise around you fades until you can only hear your heartbeat.

You take in a breath, trying to keep your breathing steady. Then, his eyes stop. And they're not on you. They land on something else. Your eyebrows furrow as you follow his gaze, finding him staring at another woman to your right. Realization washes over you, and you feel your heart begin to break. He smirks slightly, handing off his drink to Steve and begins to walk towards her, his eyes never looking away.

He reaches her, starting a conversation. You can hear her giggles from the bar. The sinking feeling in your chest only grows when his arm twists around her waist, tugging her closer to his body. He starts leading her back to Steve, and that's when you know he's gone, sold on this beautiful woman.

You cry yourself to sleep that night, cursing your heart for being so quick to love. You loathe how it easily gave itself to a man you had never talked to before. You hate how broken you are about it, and know that the storm won't blow over easily.

You continue on with life, but Bucky Barnes seems to infect your mind. With every waking moment, as you slump into work in the morning or on the drive back home, he is there, trading and taunting your already mangled heart. He is still there as you sleep, your dreams creating unliveable fantasies where he chooses you over her, or keeps scanning the room and meets your eyes instead.

Months pass, and you've stopped talking to Tony. He doesn't know why. It's too much pain to see Bucky whenever Tony wants you to visit, even though it's only fleeting glances. You couldn't risk a time when you might have to talk to him. People at work notice your state, and your boss makes you take two weeks off to right yourself before coming back in. You don't wear your make up anymore, you don't brush your hair anymore, your just sit in your apartment and waste away, wondering how in the world you became this person.

Your mind is still sick with the idea of him. You constantly blame yourself for not doing anything, for not being brave. If only you had gone up and talked to him, if only you had stood a bit farther to your right and he got a glimpse of your first, if only you had asked to meet him before the party. If only, if only. But that's all they were, questions of 'if' that only punctuated the countless times you had a chance, but made the mistake of not taking it.

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