○● Contest Time + Headcannon ●○

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Welcome to my first contest. It shall be named:

'Sebastian's Great Adventure'

Why, you may ask. Well, here why-

Requirements for this contest:

● Your prompt is: "When I first saw her, all I could think was..."
You must use that quote in your story.

○ Write a one shot, with a maximum of 2500 words, no more than that. Your one shot must be published by itself, not in a one shot or imagines book you already have.

● Absolutely no... FONDUE. We don't do fondue here.

○ Your story must be reader insert, in Sebastian's point of veiw. Yes, I'm going there. I want to feel everything he does, I want to see what he thinks about everything.

Here's the catch: this will be the adventure of Sebastian, so he needs to go on an adventure. This adventure has to be some kind of crossover. Oo, tricky tricky, no?

○ So, Sebastian plus another one of his characters from this list must be mentioned:

• James Buchanan Barnes
• The Winter Soldier
• TJ Hammond
•Jefferson, the Hatter
• Chris Beck

It can either be that one of his characters come to life, or one of his characters lead him to you. They don't necessarily have to be physically real. Just need to be significant to the story.

● All entries are due by December 11, 2015. This gives you three weeks. If you enter YOU MUST PM/MESSAGE ME. I cannot stress this enough. If you comment on here, I could easily miss it. So, just PM me the title of your one shot.

Try to be creative, try to do something no one has ever done before.

Tip: I look for descriptive language, strong characterization, and, of course, fluffy romance.

Good luck to all!

Continue reading for a Headcannon I came up with...


So, I was watching the Winter Soldier last night, and remember when Steve is first on the run, then goes to the hospital to retrieve the flash drive, but Natasha has it?

Yeah, think about that.

He pushes her into the next room, where she admits that she knows who shot and killed Nick Fury.

She says the Winter Soldier had been credited with assassinations over the past 50 years.

Wait, 50?
But wasn't Steve asleep for 70?
Didn't Bucky die 70 years before?

Does that mean James fought against HYDRA for 20 years?
Broke through the extensive brainwashing for two decades?
Refused to let his mind go?

Is that why he doesn't dash as soon as Nick was down?
Did he see Steve holding his sheild and recognize it?

Is that why he looked so broken when he caught it on the roof?
Because just having it close induced painful memories?

Is that because he didn't stop fighting for twenty long, painful years?
Or is it because he's still fighting, subconciously?

It took so long for HYDRA to break James. To create their soldier. It took them twenty years. And I will bet you HYDRA doesn't like waiting.

Is that why they were so brutal when he asked about 'the man on the bridge'? Because they saw their hard work slipping right through their fingers?

So, my friends, yes, I belive Bucky fought HYDRA for twenty years before they were able to break him.

Let that sink in.

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