The Americans of Philippines

424 21 26

Angeles City: sup betches watch me pole dance ;D

Los Angeles: okay wtf sis

Las Vegas: wait no that's my sis


Clark: big bro manilz is telling me to speak tagalog and stuff and ugh i'm so terrible af at it

Pampanga: hush child you are a filipino

Clark: HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU??? I'M AMERICAAANNNN!!! *jumps off the bridge*

Bulacan: lmao pampangs yer lil sibs are americans

Philippines: let them think they are


Author: Hello my awesome readers! Just wanted to tell you that I'll be leaving soon. You see, I've been having problems in the internet lately. I already left Facebook. I wanted to be safe. And I'm sure I have already made the right choice.

Yesterday, I went to SM for almost half of the day, but then when I returned home, I slept right away. Then I woke up and yeah, to eight hours of school.

But then I returned home from school and there was a blackout. It was starting to get dark so I went outside. It has been a long time since I've been outside.

I then had a flashback of myself when I was younger.


I used to live in Singapore and there were like, buildings that people who live in that country stay in (I guess it's kind of an apartment) and of course I always liked to go outside, there were playgrounds everywhere.

Every December (which is summer vacation in Singapore), I would visit my homeland (sometimes I'd go to Malaysia or Indonesia). I have always enjoyed going outside and playing with friends. Singapore was really fun, but here in the Philippines, it was even more fun especially when I'm with my whole family (cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.)

After 7 years, I moved back to the Philippines.

I thought it was gonna suck because of the poverty, the pollution and all, but the people here... were even nicer. Teachers in Singapore were, well, some are nice. But all of them are really strict. You can't even leave your seat to throw your garbage in the trash can without the teacher's permission. But it was honestly fun, you get to go to other countries (like in my school, the 6th Graders went to Vietnam) without parents.

It has been so many years since I've left Singapore.

*cough* Back to the point.

I went outside.

I felt the old me.

I felt happy.

I had nothing to worry about.

And the internet... is ruining my life.

So I'm leaving soon. Not today, though. Just soon. Because I don't want to let you guys down.

Anyway... March 19 is my graduation! And I'm just two years away from college and I'm finally entering Grade 11. My parents are counting on me so I'm already starting to prepare.

You'd understand, right?

I will never forget my memories here.

And don't worry, I will let my friend use this account as Hetalia-Philippines if she isn't busy either.

And, my parents are planning to move to Canada.





Not sure if I should.

But for a better education and future, I said "why not?"

Randomness with Piri-tan!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang