Male! Phil flirts with the Nyotalia girls

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Male! Philippines: *wears a Mexican hat* *sings a Spanish song* TE AMO MI AMOR~

Fem! Mexico: =.= *throws a burrito at his face* *slams windows close*

Male! Philippines: She likes me ;-)


Male! Philippines: Heyyy Amelia wanna play some video games

Fem! America: ...Emilio, it's 3 AM here in Washington D.C.

Male! Philippines: Come on, I thought you liked staying up all night

Fem! America: Uuuggghhh not now I'm sleepy af

Male! Philippines: But--

Fem! America: *hangs up*

Male! Philippines: ....OH


Male! Philippines: ;-) Magandang Hapon, Saku--

Fem! Japan: *accidentally hits his face with the katana... good thing it's closed* A-ah! G-gomenasai, Emilio-kun!!


Male! Philippines: Lovina heyyy you wanna go on a da--

Fem! Romano: *throws tomatoes at him* *runs off* IN YOUR DREAMS, MANGO BASTARD!!

Male! Philippines: ...Lol she's crazy for me ;-)


Male! Philippines: Heyyy Alice

Fem! England: ...what the bloody hell are you doing here, Antonio

Male! Philippines: I'm not Antonio

Fem! England: Oh, right! I apologize, Mr. Puerto Rico.

Male! Philippines: ...I'M NOT PUERTO RICO

Fem! England: Then who-- OH! ABDUL (Male! Malaysia)!! *pulls him by the ear* What are you doing, looking like a damn Spaniard? And wearing clothes a bloody Spanish man would wear too? Aren't you my colony, hm?


Fem! England: Capital...?

Male! Philippines: ...IT'S PHILIPPINEEESSSSS ;(

Randomness with Piri-tan!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora