Nyo! LuzViMin

762 32 2

Male! Visayas: *LAUGHING HARD*

Fem! Luzon: ^^ xD I'm not laughing at what you're laughing at but I'm laughing at your laugh.... it just makes me laugh lol

Fem! Mindanao: Nothing can ever make me laugh (-:

Male! Visayas: O REALLY? *tickles Fem! Mindanao*

Fem.! Mindanao: KUYAAAAAA!!!!

Male! Visayas: *LAUGHS HARD*

Fem! Luzon: Seriously omg stop laughing Dx It's making me laugh too

Fem! Luzon (Josefa de la Cruz)- A girl with long, straight, black hair and wears glasses. Intelligent but isn't as fun as Joseph.

Male! Visayas (Victor de la Cruz)- A fun guy who likes to make others laugh and is REALLY funny. He also obsesses over how 'gwapo' he is. He is quite different from Vanessa, both personality and... hair colors. Vanessa's (dyed) hair color is ginger, while Victor's is black with orange highlights.

Fem! Mindanao (Marcela de la Cruz)- Has a Spanish name, but is of course, Muslim, like Manuel. The two of them have the same personalities.

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