"What the hell is that!" screamed Susi, pointing at something. "Something is moving!!!"

"Shhh." I was trying to listen for any sounds. The only sound I got was as if something was walking on water. "Get ready."

With that, everyone stood up, prepare for whatever hid in the fog. As the fog settled closer to the surface of the water, I could see a shadow moving towards us. A gentle breeze came, blowing against the fog, reviling what was hidden within the ghostly fog.

We all gasp in shock at what stood on the water before us.

"A white wolf," I Gus whispered.

This wolf was more than I could even imagine. She stood with such regalness. Presence of a goddess. Her pure white fur glistened from the glow of the moonlight. Eyes of the golden sun and a tail longer than any wolf tail move with grace. Everything I had read about this wolf was right.

This wolf is perfection.

As I took a step forward, she turns her attention on me. There was something about the way she stared at me that I felt like I have seen it before.

A few moments later, she turned around and headed back to the other side of the lake. The fog slowly begins to withdraw back into the forest with each step this wolf made.

"Wait!!" I couldn't let her leave without knowing who she was, "we not going to hurt you."

This divine wolf glances back at me, and at that moment, I swear I thought she rolled her eyes at me. She continued to walk before leaping into the air towards the forest. Like her fog, she vanishes into the woods.

"Let's go after her!" I order them.

"Jesse, are you crazy," Jena placing one hand on her hip in disbelief "That's a white wolf, she could probably kill us. I can only imagine the power she holds."

"She looked young and probably doesn't have full control of her powers yet. I don't she could do much damage," I pointed out, going off information from the stories I have read about the white wolf.

"I say let's go after her just to see who she is," Kyle said with a smile as he started to take off his clothes.

Not caring if the others came, Kyle and I shifted and hurried across the other side of the lake. We wanted to catch her scent before it was gone. It was a great feeling having my claws dig into the soft forest ground as I ran. My wolf's fur was black as night, one of the darkest in our pack.

'Wait for us' I glance back to see it was the rest of my group in their wolf form. 'I want to see her up close.'

'Jenna, we're not going to hurt her.' I snap back at her.

'Right..' was the last mental voice I heard from Jena before she picked up her pace, giving her a few yards ahead of me. I wasn't going to let her hurt that wolf because she's jealous.

As we closed in the area where we saw her jump in, I saw her. She stood there as if she was waiting for us. Her fur seems to glow.

Jena howled.

'Jena, don't!' I mentally shouted to Jena.

Jena was one of the fastest wolves I knew and was closing in on the white wolf. But the wolf didn't move or get in any defense mode. She just stood there, calmed and unbothered by Jena.

It was then I realized the rustling of the trees. The wind was picking up speed. Then I remember how white wolves have power over the elements.

'Jena, it's a trap!'

Suddenly there was a gust of wind that sent Jena flying at least twenty feet in the air. Jena landed hard, not showing any signs of getting up.

'I deal with Jena, just get that wolf,' Kyle mentally said as he made his way over to Jena.

Susi and I went after the white wolf. The white wolf began to run, dodging trees without slowing down. Part of me was just amazed that I was able to witness her and her in action.

In a matter of time, she was going to run into Gus, which will slow her down. I told him to take the other way just in case she keeps running north. My father always tells me, think ahead. As we reach the small clearing, Gus was waiting. She kept her fast pace, speeding up seconds later.

Gus let out a howl and charge towards her, ready to tackle her.

The distance between them was almost gone when they both jump at each other. Gus claws were out and ready. Then the white wolf burst into white ghostly streams that flowed past Gus, which made him landed on me. I quickly got back up to see the streams coming together, forming the white wolf. She looks at us before she walks into the woods.

'Get up,' I wasn't going to let her get away that easily, not after all this "let's go before she gets too far."

He nodded and was off, chasing after her. Just beyond the trees was a river. Seconds later, we were in the clearing listening to the rushing water of the river. The white wolf wasn't insight, and the river hid her scent so that I couldn't track her that way. The only other way was to check the surrounding area bushes. She couldn't have gone that far. I shifted back into my human form, not caring if anyone sees me naked.

Five minutes have passed, and still no clues. As I was about to head shift back into my wolf form, a shadow got my attention. Without even thinking, I jump in its path.

"What the hell you are doing?" a familiar voice screamed, covering herself up. It was Ylva, "can I enjoy a run without being chase!!"

I was shocked, mainly because she had a hot body.

"You're the white wolf?"

"You guys need to get a better hobby," She pushes past me, not answering my question, "can't believe I can't go for a run in peace."

I watch her as she ran back south, as I wait for my friends to return.

'You guys won't believe who the white wolf is!' I told them mentally.

'You guys won't believe who the white wolf is!' I told them mentally

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And like always...

Thank you for reading!!!!

-AJ Pharaoh

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