Me and Alex exchanged glances.

“Imagine sitting next to this one for a few hours,” my mom said as she gestured towards Drew.

“It’s not my fault I’m easily amused!” Drew argued.

“Yeah,” Alex said, running his hands through his blonde hair and bending down to get his own backpack off the floor. ”We know.”

My mother smiled and shook her head. “Well, let’s get going.”

I shifted to hold Devon with one arm. It was a challenge while standing. He was getting pretty big. I grabbed my duffle bag by the strap and slung it over by shoulder. Then I readjusted Devon, to hold him with two arms again.

Drew picked up his backpack, struggling slightly.

“I didn’t know you were bringing you rock collection along,” Alex said jokingly, obviously impressed that he had filled his backpack with so much stuff. “I would’ve brought mine too. We could’ve traded.

Drew smiled and joked along with him. “I couldn’t help it. No one could take care of my pet rocks.”

My mother rolled her brown eyes. “Alright children. We’re leaving now.” She began walking and we followed without hesitation.

We wandered through the airport, making a pit stop st the bathrooms. Eventually, we found the baggage claim. Devon began squirming, desperately wanting to be free from my grasp. I set him down and he happily waddled around.

As we waited for our bags to appear, Devon went up to everyone in our group and said his favorite word, "hi". I watched as he walked toward Drew. Drew saw him coming towards him and crouched down to his height. Devon smiled, his blue eyes shining. He ran full speed into Drew's leg and wrapped his little arms around it.  Devon looked up at Drew, with his shaggy hair hanging by his eyes.

"Hi," Devon smiled.

"Hey there Bud," Drew ruffled his hair causing him to burst out in giggles.

Then Devon ran over to my mom. "Hi."

She opened her mouth to respond. Before she could answer, he ran over to Alex. "Hi."

Alex didn't get a chance to respond either. Devon then sped off in my


He opened his arms as he ran. I couldn't help but smile and open mine as well as I crouched down to greet him.

"Mommyyyyyy!" His blue eyes met my brown ones as he ran into me and I hugged him and picked him up. I set him on my hip and he looked up at me. "Hi."

"Hi." I replied he smiled even wider. 

"Hi!" He said again. "Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!" with every “hi”, Devon’s voice got louder.

I couldn't help but laugh as I tried to shush him. I didn't want to disturb any of the other people travelling in the airport. They were probably grumpy and tired from their long flights. By the looks we received, I could tell that some people weren’t too thrilled with the ruckus Devon was creating.

We finally spotted our luggage coming around. We found all of our bags and headed out of the airport. Alex was carrying the car seat, filled with a few smaller bags in one hand and dragging his suitcase behind him with the other. I still had Devon on my hip, balencing his weight there with one hand. He kept pointing at anything he could find and asking what it was. My other hand was dragging my suitcase with my duffle bag, which was mostly filled with Devon’s things, on top. Drew and my mom were lugging their bags as well.

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