Three years later, I woke up to snow. It was my eleventh birthday. Dad and Mum gave me a hug. "Happy Birthday, Lils!"

I raise an eyebrow. "I'm only here for the cake. Or else I would still be sleeping." I pointed to the top of the stairs, which was near my room.

Dad chuckled while Mum put the candles on the cake.

Petunia sat there, almost scowling.

For some reason, the doorbell rang.

"Who could that be?" I questioned out loud.

"Probably that Sev boy," Petunia spat. "Saying something about magic."

But at the door, was a man with a long beard and a wizards hat. Little did I know back then, it was Dumbledore.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Evans," he said. Then he turned to me. "Happy Birthday."

"Why, thank you." I said, wondering how he knew it was my birthday.

He turned to face Mum again. "If it is alright, can you and your husband talk with me in private?"

Dad nodded and led him to the living room.

An hour later, Dumbledore left and Dad said to me, "Lily, apparently you have magic."

I nodded and told them about that say with Snape and how I had done magic without intending to.

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