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This happened when I was nine years old. I spontaneously purchased a Ouija board from the toy store because it looked like an exciting game. I'd never heard of them before and had no idea what it was. Consequently, I was confused when I brought it home and my mother became very angry when she saw it.

"Those things are not toys," she said. "In fact, God forbids using them because they're considered a tool of sorcerers and black magic." I was raised in a very religious family.

She didn't take it away from me, but I was scared to use it.

A few months later, though, during summer vacation, my sister and I decided to take it out and give it try. The usual thing happened: nothing. My sister, who is four years older, then decided to try and contact my dead grandmother, Dorothy (called Dot), who died before I was born.

We asked for our grandma and the board spelled out, HELLO GIRLS.

Before I continue, it's important to understand how we were positioned in the living room. My sister was sitting on the couch and I was sitting on the edge of the coffee table. The board was between us on a large footstool. We'd been watching movies earlier in the day and there was an orange plastic bowl of leftover popcorn on the other side of the room on the floor. My back was to the bowl, but my sister could see it clearly.

Anyway, I was about to ask "grandma" a question, when my sister took her hands off the planchette and screamed. She cried, "Oh my God!" and pointed over my shoulder. I turned around to see the bowl of popcorn hovering about two feet off the ground! For some reason, I was really mad. I knew it wasn't our grandma, but something else. The planchette was skidding across the board wildly with my hands still on it, so I took my hands off it and cried, "Knock it off!" The bowl flipped over and fell to the ground as popcorn scattered everywhere. The planchette stopped skidding and flipped itself over.

I believed mom's warnings after that! My sister was so scared that she refused to ever touch a Ouija board again. I broke the board in two and threw it away right then and there. It was a little too weird for the both of us. I've played with Ouija boards since then, but nothing as strange as that has ever happened again. - LadyMasque

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