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I have been fascinated with the Ouija board as early as the age of 10. I distinctly remember when I was 13 years old, while my my mom was at work, I invited a couple of friends over; there were five of us. When we tried to play the Ouija, the planchette would not move. When one boy named José gave up, he removed himself and so we proceeded to ask questions.

Amazingly enough, the planchette started to move. It spelled out his name and the word HOLY. Being very daring and dumb, we asked it to prove that it was with us; we asked it to do something.

A few questions later, we heard a weird voice. We all got creeped out and got quiet. José had turned on a cassette of "mixes/jams" and was playing it quietly in the dining room. Then we all heard this monstrous voice on the tape say my name -- "Margie." It was a slow, deep, horrible voice and we all screamed and ran outside. Since then I will never play the Ouija. We all heard that evil voice -- it was not imagined. ~ Aason Z.

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