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I used to live in a haunted house. In fact, we were in a book called The Pocono Ghost Book. A huge family was massacred by the Indians and their souls are still wandering. We had many, many experiences with the children of the family.

We started using the Ouija board and I found a spirit, a little boy, who was killed with an axe by a man he thought was his father. A few years later, I decided to use my board again.

The spirit located me again and led me to his grave. Interestingly enough, on the gravestone was a carving of a little boy with a man behind him, and behind the man, an Indian with what was probably their version of an axe back then.

I believe the Indian killed the boy, but the boy thought it was his father.

When I reported back to him, he seemed to be at peace with this information and I have never heard from him since. I've communicated with spirits for years, but this was the first "interactive" type of experience I ever had. - Rachel Thomas

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