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This happened in Mobile, Alabama in 2008. One afternoon, some friends and I decided to make a home-made Ouija board. We tried it out a couple of times, but nothing seemed to happen.

A few weeks passed and a friend, who lived with me at the time, and I were looking at some photos of us at a club on my computer. We started to talk about how some orbs appeared only around us in the pictures.

Then we got on the subject about ghosts. She got up from the computer and sat on the couch with my brother. When I got up and walked toward them, my computer screen suddenly shut off and turned back on. Then the light next to the couch faded and turned a darkish red. Everyone got the chills!

We shrugged it off until a few days later.

I lost $100 that I had sworn I put in my dresser drawer. My mom and I looked everywhere around the house, including countless times in the drawer. Then out of nowhere my mom found my money in the same drawer on top of everything in it!

I was starting to think that we attracted a ghost through the Ouija board. My suspicions were correct when one morning my favorite stuffed animal was missing. I thought maybe someone was playing a prank on me because I knew I put it in my mom's room next to the bed. I looked everywhere and still could not find it. I asked my friend, who was in the shower, if she moved it. Of course, she hadn't. I became so frustrated! I knew that it had to be because of something paranormal because these things did not occur until we made that Ouija board.

I decided to take the Ouija board to the dumpster and get rid of it for good. When I walked back inside, my friend was out of the shower and said, "I found your stuffed animal." I asked, "Where was it?" She replied, "Oh, I saw it when I got out of the shower. It was right next to the door in the empty laundry basket." My heart dropped.

Nothing strange has happened since. – Jessica

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