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We were snowed in over Christmas. My children, ages 24, 20, 17, and some friends began talking about a Ouija board that my sisters and I played with 32 years ago. We then decided to make a homemade one out of a vinyl table cloth. We used the lid of a blender for the moving piece. Five of us put our index and middle finger on it lightly and began asking questions. It took a long time before it moved. It didn't move until we asked to speak with my brother Gene, who was killed a year previous in a car accident. We had to watch out the window because my husband does not like this and would have been very upset had he found out we were doing this. He was blowing snow outside!

After about 30 minutes, the curser spelled out HAVE TO GO. We asked why and it spelled out IT IS TIME. The curser never moved again. We folded up the table cloth and were all sitting around the table talking when we heard something break in my bedroom. We all got up to look for what had happened. We found that a drinking glass with water in it on my bedstand just broke! There was glass everywhere, but the glass was still in a standing position. We all had eerie feelings after that and were left with no explanations of what had happened to the glass. I don't believe it was my brother we were talking to that night. I might use an Ouija again, but most surely not at my house. - Teresa S.

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