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One day, a friend and I were "playing" with a Ouija board. We finally contacted a spirit, and talked to it for awhile. My mother called us down to go to the store, so we placed the planchette on GOOD-BYE and left. When we got back, it was on NO. This freaked out both of us. And I know she did not do it, because she was with me the whole time.

That night we were once again trying to contact a spirit. We did, and her name was Star. My friend and I noted how much we liked the name and that we had never met anyone named Star. The next day, my friend was talking to her mother, and her mother said, "The weirdest thing happened yesterday. I answered the door and there was a lady there with a bag of candles, and she said her name was Star."

I don't know about me, but my friend's face went ghost white. We just gave each other that look. Her mother assumed the candles were for her sister, since they were living together at the time, but when she asked, her aunt did not know anyone named Star. Since then we have not been able to get the Ouija board to work. I don't know if it was just a mere coincidence, but it stays in my mind to this day. ~ Anonymous

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