Ouija and Old Nick

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I have never told my family about this, but I am completely resolute that this did happen. One night, my sisters and I were messing around with a Ouija board (I was about eight, I think); nothing really serious, just asking silly questions and the like. Nothing creepy happened, actually, and I went to bed thinking that the supernatural and all that was a bunch of junk. Turned out, I was really wrong.

Later on that night, I woke up because I was really cold. I looked at my clock and saw that it was around midnight. I was a little annoyed because I was waking up early and it always takes me a long time to fall asleep. So I rolled over onto my back and was going to just look at the ceiling until I fell asleep. I saw something above me, and it took me a few seconds to register it. Above me was this thing. It was only the torso of something though (it had no legs) and it was the color of dried blood. The torso was very muscular and looked as if it could have crushed me in a second. That wasn't what scared me, though. The face of the thing was what frightened me, and still does even though that was 10 years ago. It looked as if someone had taken a skull and stretched the skin over it so it looked as it it was about to tear. It had no eyes, but burning lights in the eye sockets; no ears either, but it had two horns coming out of its head just above its eyes. It looked down at me and smiled at me like my parents have at times when they were happy to see me or proud, only in this case it looked incredibly horrible because of the way the skin stretched. After the smile, I fell sound asleep and didn't wake up for the rest of the night.

When I finally woke up the next day, I looked at my clock. It had stopped at exactly 12:00 midnight. Now if it were a normal clock, this could be attributed to gears or something, but it was digital and it wasn't like the power had gone out either. I looked at my watch and it had stopped at the same time (also digital). My personal belief is that the thing I saw that night is the same creature that I share a name with. My name is Nick, and it can be used interchangeably with the devil. I haven't seen it since, but I will never use a Ouija board again, and I can never forget that paternal smile and the way it chilled me to the core. ~Timberwolf

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