Watching OUAT

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Harry : You had finally gotten Harry to watch Once Upon A Time with you. He got so interested it was cute and sometimes he would get confused and you would just laugh. You guys had just finished season 4 and he was in shock.

"Did she really just become the dark one! Why!? I mean I know why but just WHY!" He slapped his face with his hand and fell back on the couch. You couldn't help the small smile playing upon your lips.

"Harry babe calm down. I told you that you would like it. Which character is your favorite?" He groaned and laughed a little.

"Well I do like that Emma Swan. She's quite cute. What about you?"

"Oh you know Killian. Just something about his good looks and that hook of his." You could see Harry out of the corner of your eye getting "jealous".

"Oh. Would you think I was more attractive with a hook." He asked holding up his left hand.

"No I like this hand." He took his hand in yours and intertwined your finger together.

Niall : So today was just another lazy day you and Niall laying in bed eating junk food and watching ransomed things on Netflix. After the comedy movie you suggested watching Once Upon A Time.

"But I don't wanna watch anything that has to do with fairytales." You just looked at him and played it anyway.

"Well ... that was different than what I expected." He said after watching the first season.

"So did you like it or?" You asked looking over to see his reaction.

"Yes. It's amazing. Can't wait to catch up to what's on tv." You both cuddles and continued watching the seasons that were on there.

Liam : You came home from work to find Liam and your daughter watching Once Upon A Time. Smiling to yourself you went into the kitchen to get a water and sit on the couch with your little family.

"Hey. So you finally got to watching this even though I suggested it oh I don't know about three months ago." You said smiling.

"Yeah. Well (Y/D/N) wanted to watch cartoons but I talk her into watching this. I mean its fairytales basically and it's actually interesting." (Y/D/N) came up to you and smiled gave you a big hug. (Your daughters about 5 btw😊).

"Elsa was pretty momma. But she didn't sing like in the movie." She looked said you smiled a bit and kissed her on her forehead and tried to explain to her why.

"Oh ok mommy." You stayed and watched the show with your family.

Louis : You loved him to death and this just made you love him more. Although he would make a comment every now and then about what was going on and why it was happening.

"Ok so Zelena tricked Robin into making him think she was his dead wife? That's just a bitch move." He said while shaking his head.

"Yeah she basically tricked everyone. And yes it was a bitch move." Zelena was never your favorite you always liked Regina, she was likable a bit when she wasn't being evil.

"Well thank you for introducing me to this show babe it's awesome. Why didn't you tell me about it sooner?"

"Because I believe that a certain someone didn't want to watch it because it was just about stupid fairytales." You said looking at him as he smiled.

"Alright. But I didn't say stupid." You shrugged and took a drink of your water and gave him a big kiss.

A/N : I don't know where I went with Liam's lol. I'm rewatching Season 4 🤓 Only 2 more weeks til it comes back on tv. Yayyyyyyy! 🙄😁😈😭💟. Better get Hook back! 😡

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