Pregnant (Harry)

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(His P.O.V)
I'm waiting for Niall to come out so we could go get Liam and Louis. We had all decided that we would hang out at me and (Y/N)'s place. She doesn't know that the boys are coming but I know she'll be happy to see them.

"Alright guys just don't do anything stupid. And don't make a mess she was mad at me the next day and wouldn't say a word." They all agreed and we we'r on our way when I got a call from her.

Hey babe. You on your way home yet. I have a surprise for you.

Yeah babe and I've got a little surprise for you too.

Alright see you soon. Love you.

Love you too babe.

"Oooooo I wonder what the surprise is. Were you a good boy Harry." Of course Louis would say something like that. Liam and Niall laughed along with him. Although I had to say I am curious. What could she have planned?

(Your P.O.V)
I was patiently waiting for Harry to come home I had something big to tell him. I ordered a special cake that said 'I Love You Daddy'. It was my strange way of telling him I'm pregnant and that he is going to be a father.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever man she was not into you." I could hear Niall's voice coming from the living room. What are the boys doing here?

"Hey guys. What's up?" They all smiled and gave me a group hug and then Harry came and gave me a sweet kiss.

"Oi. We don't want to see all that now." I pulled away and went into the kitchen then called Harry in. He came and asked what I wanted. He read the words then looked to me with a huge grin on his face.

"Are you serious. IM GOING TO BE A DADDY!" He picked me up and sun me around.

"Congratulations mate." Liam said and they all patted him on the back. We all ate the cake and just watched movies.

"I can't wait to meet the little munchkin. I love you (Y/F/N)."

"I love you too Harry Edward Styles."

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