Feelings....Right Now

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I'm sorry to bother you guys with this but I feel like I just need to "talk"

Today has been a pretty bad day for me and no one would talk to me. I swear it's like I don't even exist. I'm very bad at getting over this break up also. I keep telling myself he'll be back but I know that's not true. He seems happy and even though he told me he wasn't going to shut me out completely he hasn't talked to me since that very day. It's bad I know I should leave him behind but I'm still finding it hard to face. Hopefully I will find the one for me some day but for now I'm still living with this heartbreak. I know you probably didn't want to see this but I feel better getting it out of my system even if it's not vocal. I want you guys to know that I love you all even though I don't know you all very well.


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