March 2016

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So this doesn't really have anything to do with One Direction but still wanted to put it on. I'm patiently waiting for March to come around bc that's gonna be a good month for me. Lol 😅😂

Once Upon A Time - March 6th
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D - March 8th
Dancing With The Stars - March 21st

&&' this years gonna be a great year for movies!!📽🙌🏽

Can't wait for 2017 when the boys get back but at least I have time to get my life together🙆🏽 Hopefully my year will not be as bad as last year. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed bringing in the New Year and spent it with your loved ones.🎉

And yes I'm trying to write those last two requests I got but for some reason I can write what comes to mind. It'll just take a while. I'm sorry I'm so behind.

Q : Did anyone have a New Years resolution? I'm not good at keeping up with those. But I will be going to the gym more often to stay in shape. &&' maybe try to find a better guy. Not trying to look good for anyone but me, myself, & the good God above.🤗👏🏽💖

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