Golfing (Niall)

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(Your P.O.V.)
Niall went shopping with the guys for some clothes while I stayed behind to catch up on some sleep. I'm now awake watching SpongeBob waiting for them to get back. I soon heard the front door open and a voice speak.

"I'll be back I'm gonna go see if she's awake." I heard Niall say while coming up the stairs. I quickly turned off the TV and pretended to be asleep.

"Babe I know you're not asleep." I heard Niall say shaking me lightly and laughing.

"How'd you know?" I ask looking at him with a smile.

"Because I know you babe and you never leave the remote on the bed you leave it on the night stand." He said bead ore giving me a kiss on the cheek. I just smiled up at him and then stuck out my tongue.

"Anyway I came up here to ask if you wanted to come with me and Harry to go golfing." It's no secret that I've always wanted to learn how to golf I mean yeah I've tried but failed horribly.

"Yeah that'd be fun just let me get dressed and I'll be down in a sec."

"Haha I'm gonna change to babe but let me run down and tell Harry you're coming." With that he made his way down stairs. I put on some shorts and my favorite shirt and then put on my shoes. Niall soon came back and started getting dressed while I made my way down stairs to get some water.

"Hey Harry how's life treating you. Find the perfect girl yet?" I said smiling.

"Nah not yet I don't think I can find someone as wonderful as you and life is doing good thank for asking love." He said with a dimpled smile.

"Awe that's sweet of you." I went to and stood on my tip toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Alright almost ready just let me grab the golf clubs and we can head out."

(Niall P.O.V)
I grab (Y/N) by the arm and pull her with me. She just gives me a questioning look but goes along with it. I could see the Harry looks at her I know he wants her but he can't have her.

"Niall what's wrong you know you only do that if some guy is hiding on me or if you have a "problem"." I took a deep breath and look her in the eyes.

"It's nothing babe just wanted to get you to myself before we left and to tell you be careful some guys there can get a little out of hand." I said with a smile not wanting to tell her the truth.

"Aww babe you don't need to worry ok I want nobody but you." She said giving my a passionate kiss that lasted about 3 minutes before we both heard someone clear their throat. We both looked up to see Harry holding the golf clubs standing there kind of awkward he's never been that way. I shook it off and we all got in the car and headed to the golf resort. (I honestly don't know what you call golf places😐)

(Harry's P.O.V)
We've been here for a while when Niall said that he had to go to the bathroom. I could see (Y/N) struggle so I went up to her and waited for a couple seconds for her to notice I was there.

"Oh geez Harry you scared me." I just smiled a bit and looked at her.

"Well you looked like you were struggling so I came over to help and see what the problem was." I awkwardly put my hands in my pocket.

"Yeah. It wouldn't be to much to ask for your help right?" I shook my head no and got beside to show her how to hold the club in her hands. After two more try's she still didn't do so well. She looked at me with a small frown and I thought it was adorable.

"Here let me help you." I got behind her and placed my hands on hers and repositioned hers a bit and swung the club and we hit the ball pretty far. She looked back at me with her beautiful brown eyes and had a huge smile on her face.

Get it together Styles. ! She's your best mates girlfriend you can't have her.

I just smiled back by now we weren't close to each other and only then did we notice Niall was back and with food. He stood there smiling so I'm assuming he didn't see anything. After all the golfing the three of us went back to their house and watched movies and ate junk food.

(Your P.O.V)
I couldn't help but think about what happened at the golf club today with Harry. Of course it didn't mean anything but I feel like I had to tell Niall what happened.

"Well I guess I should get going thanks for golfing with me Niall and as always it was wonderful seeing you love. I'll see you guys tomorrow bye." Harry said then headed out the door to his car.

"Niall I need to talk to you." I said looking down at my hands.

"About you and Harry. I saw what happened today alright. Just tell me do you have feelings for him?" I looked at him surprised and with sad eyes.

"Why would you think that babe. I'm kind of insulted that you would think that but to answer your question no I don't have feels for him the only person I have feeling for is you. I love you Niall James Horan." I could see a look of guilt on his face he almost looked as if he was about to cry.

"I know I'm sorry babe I know you love me. I mean you show and tell me everyday. I love you too (Y/F/N). " He then gave me a kiss. I moaned into his mouth and I could feel him smirk.

"Well I'm go shower wanna join me" I asked with a wink.

"Don't have to ask me twice." He jumped up and picked me up taking me upstairs.

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