Daddy Daughter Moment (His P.O.V)

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Harry : While (Y/N) was out shopping I stayed home with our little girl who's soon to be 6. I was cleaning the kitchen so my fiancé wouldn't have to do all the work when she gets back.

"DADDY" I heard my daughter and I ran up as fast as I could without falling.

"What's wrong baby did you hurt yourself sweetheart?" I said panicking a little and checking to see if she had any scars on her little body.

"I saw a spider." I sighed in relief knowing that at least she wasn't hurt or anything serious. She showed me where it was I got a shoe and killed it wiping the shoe on the trash before picking her up and taking her downstairs.

"I'm sorry if I scared you daddy." She looked at me with those big eyes that were now filled with tears.

"Don't cry baby girl it's ok daddy's just happy you didn't get hurt ok. Now would you like some ice cream?" Her eyes got wide and she nodded her head yes. I laughed then went into the kitchen making us both an ice cream sundae.

"Just don't tell mommy I let you have some before dinner alright. It'll be our little secret." She gave me a dimpled smile and ate her sundae happily.

Niall : "Hey dad you mind taking me to the mall?" I looked up from my phone to see my teenage daughter standing in front of me.

"Yeah just let my get my shoes and we'll go." I smiled and went to put on my shoes then grabbed my car keys and we headed out the door.

"Oh and then she spilled the drink on Macy's head and it was hilarious." We were done shopping and now at the food court and she was telling my what happened when she went over to Liam's house to hangout with his daughter Macy and Louis daughter Sapphire.

"Haha and what happened when Uncle Liam came home and saw the mess. Did he freak out?" She let out a loud laugh that attention of others but we didn't care.

"Actually he was pretty cool about it. It was Aunt Sasha that flipped but we didn't get into that much trouble." She said with a smile and took a sip of her cola.

"Hey dad thanks for today. I love spending time with you. You're the best dad anyone could ask for." I could feel myself tear up a little then I got up and gave her a hug.

"And you're the best daughter anyone could ask for. You make me and mom feel like the happiest people on the planet." I kissed her forehead and we went to the car to head back home where hopefully my wife was waiting for us.

Liam : My wife is out with my mom and sisters and I'm here with my beautiful baby girl. I see her plying with the dog and I smile to myself then go back to watching Toy Story.

"Daddy doggie bit my finger." I look down to see her crying and holding up a bruised finger.

"Oh no. Come here well go out a band aid on it ok. I'm sorry he bit your finger love." We made our way to the bathroom and I got the ointment and put it on her little finger. Put the band aid on and kissed it. I picked her up and went down to the kitchen and placed her on the counter.

"You want some ice cream sweetie." She nodded her head happily. I got both of us bowels and then went to sit on the couch with her in my lap. When we were done I set the bowl on the table.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you to sweetie." I placed a kiss on her forehead and we both drifted off to sleep.

Louis : I was at the park watching my daughter play on the money bars. Smiling to myself I got my phone out and took a video of her and sent it to my fiancé with a smiley face.

"Daddy daddy look I'm upside down." I looked up to see that she was in face upside down. I took a picture and put it as my screensaver.

"Alright monkey lets go" I picked her up and we headed to the car.

"Yay going to see mommy." She was such a cute little girl and so full of joy.

"Yes baby we're going to see mommy"

"Daddy we have to get mommy her flowers."

"Yes I almost forgot about that thanks for reminding me love." We pulled up to the flower shop and I let her pick out the flowers.

"Ooo daddy these ones." She picked out roses. We went to the check out counter and paid for them and headed to the hospital.

"One day when I get married I'm gonna get these because they pretty and smell good." I could feel a tear in my eye. I love for moments like these I love my baby girl so much.

A/N: I hope that this didn't suck as bad I think it did. Thanks to @kdawwn for this idea. 💖

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