Wolves (Harry)

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In the middle of the night
When the wolves come out
Heading straight for your heart
Like a bullet in the dark
One by one I try to take them down
But they run and hide
Ain't going down without a fight
I hear them calling for you...

(His P.O.V)
Me and they guys are on our way to the club to meet up with our girlfriends. Yeah we should of been there already but we had business to take care of so we just sent them on their way and said we'd meet them there. As soon as we got there I spotted my baby and headed her way. She was wearing that red dress that outlines her curves beautifully and she looked so damn sexy. Now I kind of regret telling them to come early. I got closer only to see that this guy was getting a little to close for my liking.

"Hey babe." I gave her a passionate kiss then pulled away to see that the guy had long gone.

"Well hello to you to handsome." She said with a wink.

"You look sexy in that dress love. I can't wait to take it off you tonight." I said in her ear nibbling in the process.

"We should go to the table their waiting on us." We looked around for them and couldn't see them.

"You know what I think I found them. Yeah there at that table in the far corner." I turned my head and could see that blonde hair of Niall's

Once we sat down we ordered some drinks then the girls decided to go dance. I kept my eyes on (Y/N) just in case some guy decides he wants to go up to her.

"Heya Harry you alright mate?" I heard Niall ask I just turned and nodded.

I look away for not even two seconds and there's a guy all over her. I immediately get up and go over and put my hands on her waist.

"This guy bothering you babe." I gave the guy a look and he just looked back.

"I saw this beautiful woman first so back off." I guess he didn't understand that she was mine. I didn't say much after that I just punched him, a little to hard might I add, took her by the wrist lightly and headed back to the table. I told her to grab her purse we said our goodbyes they all asked if anything was wrong I just smirked and they all knew. All yelling for us to be safe and use protection. I couldn't help but laugh. As we made our way out I could see a few guys checking my baby out. I held her close then smacked her butt when we were almost out the door because I knew they were still looking.

"Harry why couldn't we just stay you know I can take care of myself." She said whining a little.

"I know you can love but honestly I think you wore that dress on purpose yeah? You know exactly what that dress does to me babe. So I'll tell you what we're going home so that I can fuck you senseless and punish you." I slipped my hand up her dress to feel her wetness. She moaned a little in my ear I smirked knowing I had her then we got in the car and headed home so we could have some fun. 😉

A/N: Yeah I don't know where I went with that lol. Anyways hope you liked. 😅

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