His Mum Doesnt Like You (Niall)

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(Your P.O.V)
Today I am going to meet my boyfriends parents. I'm hoping that I make a good impression because I really want them to like me. "Hey babe it's just going to be me you and me mum me dad can't make it." I heard Niall say to me from the kitchen. "Alright that's fine with me." I decided to do a little house work before we leave tonight because the house was looking a little untidy. Soon enough the time came around for us to start getting ready for our night out.

"Do you think she'll like me Niall?" I found the words coming out of my moth before I could stop them. "I'm absolutely positive babe if I'm happy I know she will be too." He said placing a kiss on my forehead.

We finally arrived at the restaurant were seated then patiently waited for Maura to show up. I noticed a woman walk in and I knew that had to be his mother because he looked happy and of course he went to give her a hug. "Hi mum I want you to meet my lovely girlfriend (Y/N)." He said as I held out my hand for her to shake. When she didn't take it I pulled away slowly not sure what to do next. "It's a pleasure to meet you" I told her while she gave me cold look.

All through dinner she kept asking me personal questions and particular ones that made me a bit uncomfortable. I excused myself to go to the bathroom so they could talk amongst themselves.

(Niall's P.O.V)
I disliked the fact that my own mum was asking my girlfriend such personal questions. But for some reason I couldn't find the courage to speak up for her. I could see that she was getting a bit uncomfortable and I was about to say something but she then excused herself to go to the bathroom. After I saw her leave I turned to my mother and asked her what her problem was. "I don't like her she's not right for you. She probably doesn't even love you." I can't believe what I am hearing right now. "You're wrong about her mum I love her and she loves me for who I am not just a boy from a band she loves me Niall James Horan."

"No she doesn't why can't you see that." "Because it's not true she does I know it because she tells me everyday." "I think you should just break up with her you'll be fine I promise just trust me. It's either her or us your family." I was confused as to why she would make me choose (Y/N) or my family this was just so unfair.

I was about to say something to me mum when I noticed (Y/N) standing there with tears in her eyes. "I don't want you too choose me over your family I know you want to but I think it's best if we just break up you can't lose your family over someone like me I won't let you." "No your wrong I can have both they would just have to learn to live with my decision" I said looking directly at me mum at the last few words I said. "No Niall you can't." With that being said she gave me one last kiss and walked away leaving me broken-hearted. I felt something in my hand I looked down and saw her engagement ring. I broke down my mom tried to comfort me but I wouldn't have it. I walked out of the restaurant thinking of how I could get my girl back.

One Week Later

(Your P.O.V)
I heard a knock on my door I got up to answer only to come face to face with Nialls mom. She looked as if she had been crying and I felt kind of bad. "Hi Maura would you like to come in." She nodded and sat on the couch next me then she started speaking. "I'm sorry for the way I acted at the restaurant I should've never asked you such personal questions and never said that you didn't love my son because I know you do and I know he loves you too. He hasn't talked to me since the dinner and I feel terrible for what I did. I didn't even know that you two were engaged until he showed me the ring which was really pretty by the way I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." She said looking at me with hopeful eyes. "I forgive but I just want you to know that I would never do anything to hurt Niall I love to much to let anything happen to him and we were going to tell you about the engagement at dinner but I guess things panned out differently." After our little talk she went back home and I decided to call Niall.

We met up at Starbucks and talked for a while. "I've missed you baby I haven't been able to sleep without my cuddle bear" he said with a chuckle while I let out a little laugh of my own. "I missed you too babe" "I believe this belongs to you" he pulled out the ring and placed it back in my finger. We shared a passionate kiss and went home to cuddle and watch random movies.

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