Girlfriend (Harry) Pt. 2

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Once we got to the theater we all paid for our tickets Cassy decided that she would go along with us because Harry really wanted to see this movie too. We all got settled in our seats and the trailers started. I was once again seated in between Harry and Niall. After the movie was over we all headed back to Harry's to sit around and talk. I enjoyed that night out it was fun to be with them again. "Hey me and Louis are going to get foot us alright we'll be back " Harry said from beside me. "Aw but we just got back I wanna spend time with you" Cassy said with a pout "I'll be back don't worry" they soon left and it was me, Cassy, Liam, and Niall.  We sat around and waited while watching reruns of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. "Hey I'll be back I'm gonna use the loo" Niall said running to the bathroom. Liam went into the kitchen to get him something to drink. "Hey look here you little slut they're my friends ok so back off after today I don't want to see you sorry ass around here anymore you got that." Cassy said to me. That did it. "First off they were my friends before you freakin bitch and I'm not a slut but I know who is" I said looking at her laughing a little."you're just jealous because I have Harry and he would never want you ! Yeah I know about your little crush on my man and you'll NEVER have him for yourself." "All you want is his money and fame you don't love him" "so what if I don't he's not my type anyway I'm gonna break it off with him as soon as I have everything I could possibly want he's pathetic" She said with a smug look on her face. "He maybe a pathetic bastard but he's so good in bed I mean my god he's so huge on second thought maybe I'll keep him" the next thing I knew I was on top of her hitting her then I soon got pulled off her by Niall. "(Y/N) she's not worth it ok calm down." I started to cry into Niall's chest while he rubbed my back softly.

(Niall's P.O.V)
I can't believe she would use him like that I  always knew there was something off about Cassy I just didn't want to say anything I never really liked her anyway heck none of us did. Not only did I find that out but how can she be so rude to (Y/N) like that. I should've let her finish what she started. What can I say Cassy deserves it. I could hear Liam yelling at Cassy then I heard a door open which meant Harry and Louis were back.

(Harry's P.O.V)
I came into the house with Louis and heard yelling coming from the living room. "Hey what's going on in here?" I said a little loud scaring the four people in there. "Oh my god Cassy are you alright why are you crying." I asked her and she told me what happened. Before I could say or do anything stupid Liam stopped me. "Before you do or say anything you might regret just know that (Y/N) was defending herself because you're little girlfriend here doesn't really love you and just the other day while we were at Nandos I over heard what she said to (Y/N) she threatened to kill her if she came anywhere near you or us for that matter." He explained to me I turned to Cassy and asked her if this was true she nodded her head and looked down like she was ashamed and she should be. I the turned to (Y/N). "Love are you ok ?" She nodded her head and began to cry. I held her close to me as I kissed her head. Later that night it was just me and (Y/N) laying in my bed. "Why didn't you ever tell me that you had feelings for me?" She looked up at me in shock I guess she thought I wouldn't find out. "Louis told me in the car you know I love you first I just never had the courage to say anything and then when I decided I was going to tell you you were dating that Theo guy" I let out a little laugh and so did she. "I just never thought you would feel the same way about me but now you know. " she said in a quiet voice.

"How could I not you're beautiful and sexy" I said sending her a wink. "Can I kiss you?" She nodded and I kissed her and it felt right I felt that spark I never felt with Cassy. "I love you (Y/N)""I love you too Harry." We cuddled and watched Netflix and talked. I just wish I had got to her sooner because this is right I love he and I'm going to marry her one day.

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