You Forget His Birthday

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Requested by @jhoranp

Harry : You're in the kitchen making breakfast for you and Harry when you feel arms wrap around your waist.

"Morning babe." You heard his husky voice say in your ear.

"Good morning to you to."

"So what are we doing on this special day?" Harry asked while getting himself some juice.

"What's so special about today?" Harry looked at you with a sort of sad mad look.

"What's today's date."

"It's February 1st." You say slowly and realize it's Harry's birthday. He started walking up the stairs and you followed him to the bedroom.

"Babe I'm sorry I forgot I should've known." He looked pissed but then his face began to soften up.

"It's alright baby I'm just a little upset as you can see. I forgive you." You gave him a kiss that lasted a little longer than you or he hoped.

"I know how you can make it up to me." He said winking and throwing you on the bed.

Niall : You and Niall have been out all day shopping and for some reason he didn't seem to be all that happy. He had a look of disappointment on his face. So you noted to yourself that you need to ask him what's wrong with him. As soon as you guys pulled up into the driveway you got out to unlock the door and once inside you began speaking.

"Hey Niall what's wrong you've been a little distant today."

"Well let's see today what today is shall we. Oh look at this it's September 13 and guess what day that is. MY FREAKIN BIRTHDAY." He said sarcastically getting loud at the last few words. You looked down at your feet and heard what sounded like the bedroom door being slammed. You went into the kitchen and decided to make him a birthday cake. After the cake was done you let it cool off before putting icing on top. Walking up the stairs you opened the sore to see Niall still awake watching a random show on tv.

"Niall babe I'm sorry I forgot I didn't mean to I was happy to have you to myself it just got away from me. I made you a cake." You put the cake down by the bed on the stand. He looked up at you before pulling you down on top of him.

"You're forgiven. I know you didn't mean to I just hoped you would have remembered. I love you (Y/N)." With that he gave you a kiss and you guys are the cake you made.

Liam : You looked in the mirror to make sure you looked decent then made your way downstairs.

"Liam I'm ready babe."

"Alright let's go don't wanna be late." We got in the car and arrived to his moms house just in time. You both got out Liam being the gentleman he is opened your car door. Once you got to the door Karen opened the door and gave you both big hugs.

"The birthday boy and his beautiful finance have finally arrived." She said and everyone cheered. My eyes got wide and I excused myself to go to the bathroom. Not a minter later I heard a knock on the door

"One second"

"(Y/N) let me in babe." You opened the door and Liam shut and locked it behind him.

"You don't have to ashamed ok. It's alright I understand why you forgot you had a busy week and work has been piling up on you. Just promise me you won't forget next time." He said with a sad smile.

"I promise babe and I'm truly sorry I'll make it up to you when we get home." With that you gave him a quick kiss and you both went to enjoy the rest of the night with his friends and family.

Louis : It's Christmas Eve and your finishing up food shopping for Christmas Day. When you get home you see that the guys are they're also.

"Hey guys do you mind giving me hand with the food?" They all nodded and went to the car to collect the thing. You went upstairs to see Louis sitting on the bed.

"Hey babe what are you doing up here by yourself."

"Do you know what today is?" He asked with his head down not looking at you.

"Yeah it's Christmas Eve why"

"It also happens to be someone's birthday" He said finally looking at you. You thought about it and it hit you.

"It's your birthday." You said in a whisper. He just nodded. You say in his lap turned to face him and gave him a kiss and you could feel his hands go up your shirt a bit.

"Oooooo are we interrupting something" we pulled apart to see the other three staring at you guys. You got off his lap and they left and you looked at Louis.

"Happy Birthday babe I'm sorry I forgot."

"It's alright BabyGirl I love you. Now let's get downstairs before Niall eats all the food". You both laugh and go downstairs.

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