Surprise (Louis)

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(Your P.O.V)
Me and Harry are out and about looking for the perfect gift for Louis. Tomorrow is our anniversary and I wanted Harry to help me look for something for him. I haven't told anyone about me being pregnant I was scared of what would happen. "Hey (Y/N) you ok there love?" "Oh uh yeah I'm fine"

"No you're not tell me what's on your mind" I looked up at him and sighed. "I'm pregnant" he pulled me into a hug and had a big smile on his face. "Have you told Lou he'll be ecstatic he's always wanted to have a baby with you"

I smiled to myself and rubbed my belly. Just then I got an idea and pulled Harry along with me. I went to a baby store and got a pair of baby booties and a little box but big enough to fit the pregnancy test I took yesterday. After that we decided to go get some food. We were sitting at a table I went to sit by Harry because the other side of the booth was dirty. "Ugh great the paparazzi are here" I said looking out the window. "We could go somewhere else if you're not comfortable." Harry said. "No I'll be fine." Harry whispered something in my ear and I couldn't help but let out a laugh and that's when the paps took photos. I knew that this would look suspicious to Lou so I told Harry we had to get home so I could explain. He nodded and we went out the door.

(His P.O.V)
I was waiting for (Y/n) and Harry to get back form the mall when I saw a picture on Twitter of (Y/N) and Harry awfully close. That's when I heard the keys in the door I turned to see Liam and Niall. "Hey mate Harry back yet ?" Niall asked. I shook my head no. "Hey what's up with you?" I showed him the picture.

"It could be a fake" "yeah but what if it isn't" I said a little worried. Just then I saw Harry come in the door with (Y/N) behind him. "Hey Lou before you go on Twitter just know we didn't do anything wrong the paps want it to look like something is happening" "how do I know your not lying."

"Well I wanted to wait for tomorrow to give you this but I'll give it to you now  I saw pull out a long little box I opened it and saw a pregnancy test. Slightly confused I looked up at her. "You're going to be a daddy" my eyes lit up with excitement and I hugged her and kissed her lips. "I can't believe it I'm gonna be a daddy!" The guys joined in the hug but I told them to move because I didn't want my fiancé or baby to get hurt. She let out a laugh and we all watched Netflix and ate junk food.

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